Varathron interview (Stefan Necroabyssious)

We inaugurate a short series of interviews aimed at glorifying the mythological Hellenic black metal scene. All in collaboration with our own Marco Donè, a true hierophant of such scene! Let’s start with Varathron, who return with an explosive album (The Crimson Temple) that sweeps away the mediocrity of many, many clones who, not even in ten lifetimes, will be able to come close to the characteristic, original, highly recognizable sound of the black Hellenic priests of the evil verb. Stefan Necroabyssious is here with us today, to tell TrueMetal readers what Varathron means today. Listen carefully and prepare to descend into the darkest abyss… By the way, Merry Christmas!
(MARCO) What does the Crimson Temple that gives the title to your album represent?
“THE CRIMSON TEMPLE” refers to a temple – an altar of innocent souls at the altar of the dark god. All that sacrificial blood ends up in the abyss for the thirsty demons to taste. This has been captured in the most excellent way by the amazing PAOLO GIRARDI.
(MICKEY) Can you tell us something about the lyrical aspect of the album?
The lyrics of the record written by me refer to everything that the cover represents and to everything else hideous, occult and unholy that exists around this subject. By reading the lyrics one can understand this occult atmosphere.
(MARCO) Regarding the cover work: did Paolo Girardi work alone or did you give him any indications? It is a truly surprising result, reminiscent of Dante’s Inferno…
The cover is all a figment of my sick imagination and I described it in detail to PAOLO by writing it in a text. PAOLO also used his own imagination and amazing skill and managed to make an image of what I was describing in detail in simple words. It is indeed one would say a piece that could be described in Dante’s inferno.
(MICKEY) Can you tell us a little about how you approached the production of the album from songwriting to the actual recording and post production?
We are very lucky to have our own studio and so there we can, having time as our ally, create and experiment with new songs. Having worked on several ideas during the pandemic period we organized and completed an album that we are completely happy with. The production came out strong as we wanted it and the tracks a level above I would say from the songs of our previous album. The result is justified by the huge acceptance we have received so far from our fans.
(MICKEY) What do you miss most about the late ’80s/early ’90s Greek metal scene?
What I miss the most are those pure days when the metal spirit prevailed and we all worked together as a fist to create releases quite different from the usual ones of that time. There was an amazing collaboration between the first three bands in Greek black metal at that time and I’m happy that until now there is this mutual respect and support I would say.
(MICKEY) Do you have any plans in terms of live activity?
With the release of the album we already played at the amazing NEVER SURRENDER FEST in Berlin and the reception was amazing. With the arrival of the New Year we start our concerts from Portugal and continue for every month. In the summer of 2024 we have the big tour in Latin America which I personally feel like my second home. There is such a passion and belief in metal in those countries that I really haven’t encountered elsewhere.
(MARCO) We are now in 2023, we are about to enter 2024. How is your relationship with the rest of the Hellenic scene? Namely with the Magus, Jim Mutilator and Sakis Tolis?
As I mentioned above, the relationship with those people with whom we started the first steps remains very good. We also have a lot of communication with various other bands from the Greek scene.
(MARCO) There’s one thing that always comes to mind when we talk about black metal as we consider it nowadays. It all started in Norway and Greece. Two very different countries with one thing in common: a mythology that was destroyed by Christianity. Is this something that led the two scenes to be openly anti-Christian and linked to the motherland?
There is some truth in what you say but from our side what we wanted when we started and created what is called Greek black metal was our love for the metal sound and our attempt to create something different from what existed at that time in our country. Our influences which were BATHORY, VENOM, CELTIC FROST, MORBID ANGEL and others were enough to lead us through brainstorming to create amazing demos.
(MARCO) Back in the days norwegian black metal was the hype, always under the spotlight, a situation that somehow obscured what was happening in southern Europe. Do you think Norwegian bands would have gained the same attention if those infamous facts wouldn’t have happened? Maybe the spotlights could have been pointed towards the Mediterranean scene giving it a higher value?
Norwegian black metal is a huge scene and has an absolute respect. There were and are amazing bands whose works have remained in history and in the hearts of metal fans. Of course companies that are looking to make as much money as possible have the marketing department that regulates many things in the sales area. Natural events that create sensation and surprise in ordinary people are a pole of attraction for social media and money collection for companies. No one knows if these events you mentioned in your question did not exist, what the Norwegian scene would have been like, and whether the Mediterranean scene would indeed have been at a higher level of publicity. But what ultimately has value is the metal music and not the confrontation and comparison of the various metal scenes. We all have a common purpose which is to spread and elevate the music we love to play.
(MICKEY) Do you have any memories related to Italy? Which final words would you share with your Italian fans?
I have come several times on holiday to your country and I like it very much. With my band VARATHRON we have played in Milan and Naples and I wish we could play in other cities as well. Many thanks to our Italian fans who always support us and we believe we will see them in person soon. Beware for the …..Sinners!!!!! Keep the Black Flame alive!!!!
Support Varathron and always buy original music exclusively!