Album: A Spark in the Aether, the music that died alone – volume II

Di Redazione - 28 Aprile 2015 - 1:45
A Spark in the Aether, the music that died alone – volume II
Band: The Tangent
Genere: Prog Rock 
Anno: 2015
Leggi la recensione


  • 1. A Spark in the Aether
  • 2. Codpieces And Capes
  • 3. Clearing the Attic
  • 4. Aftereugene
  • 5. The Celluloid Road
  • 6.A Spark in the Aether (part 2)
  • 7. San Franciso Radio Edit


  • Andy Tillison: tastiere e voce
  • Luke Machin: chitarra
  • Jonas Reingold: basso
  • Theo Travis: Fiati e Sassofono
  • Morgan Agren: Batteria

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