Angra – L’inizio di una nuova era

E’ cambiato il cantante e la perdita di un vocalist come Andre Matos sicuramente si farà sentire, ma gli Angra si sono rimessi al lavoro e per la fine di ottobre sforneranno il loro 4° album intitolato “Rebirth!” (Uscita prevista per il 29 Ottobre). Vi presentiamo in questo articolo i commenti fatti dai componenti del gruppo riguardo al loro nuovo lavoro.
Il tema principale dell’album è incentrato sul racconto fantastico di un mondo appena distrutto da una catastrofe naturale e dalle guerre in cui i sopravvissuti iniziano a costruire una nuova società con nuove leggi e principi personali. L’ottimismo generato da questa rinascita – e non la distruzione che l’ha preceduta – è il tema principale di questo nuovo album.
Ed ecco i commenti:
Edu Falaschi (Nuovo Vocalist) – “In regards to the band itself, the most important things to be stated are the real friendship and union that exist among us. We are working as a true team: dedicated, professional and pleased with ourselves. As for the songs, all I can say about them is : PURE ENERGY!”
Kiko Loureiro (Chitarrista) – “I am very happy with the final result we had in the new album. The “Angra way” of doing metal remains untouchable, so I am sure the fans will just adore Rebirth. The new members perfectly understood the real meaning of our music and they are always surprising me with their profossionalism and musical skills. This is just the beginning of a new and longing era.”
Rafael Bittencourt (Chitarrista) – “After a long time of waiting, the fans will now know that the “Goddess of Fire” still rages on. What kept this force alive is the passion for music that we have, and the same feeling of passion have grown inside the new members’ hearts throughout the years they were listening to Angra. This “New Era” gave the opportunity for the fans to be a part of Angra and Rebirth is the fruit of a very hard work of all the people involved.”
Felipe Andreoli (Nuovo Bassista) – “This is surely my favorite Angra’s album already. The songs do reflect perfectly the current level of the band, as well as the musical and personal energy, willingness and tigthness we are experiencing. And even though we are a “new group” now, you can cleary notice the traditional Angra touch in each of the songs.”
Aquiles Priester (Nuovo Batterista) – “I am totaly satisfied with the album’s final result. The songs kept a high energy and I believe this is the first thing the fans will notice in the new Angra: the energy. The band has gone through the songwriting process, pre-production and recordings in a very smooth mood and that was crucial for us to achieve our goals in a very spontaneous way.”
Per ulteriori informazioni: Angra – Welcome to a New Era!