
Asymmetric Universe: il duo italiano firma per Inside Out Music, ascolta il nuovo singolo ‘Don’t Go Too Early’

Di Daniele D'Adamo - 4 Giugno 2024 - 20:00
Asymmetric Universe: il duo italiano firma per Inside Out Music, ascolta il nuovo singolo ‘Don’t Go Too Early’

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Inside Out Music è orgogliosa di annunciare l’ingresso in roster del duo prog metal/fusion ASYMMETRIC UNIVERSE. In occasione di questo annuncio la band  italiana formata dai due fratelli Federico e Nicolò Vese è lieta di presentare il nuovo singolo “Don’t Go Too Early”, guarda il video:

“Don’t Go Too Early” è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme streaming:

Il commento della band:
“Siamo così entusiasti di unirci a una famiglia così grande come InsideOutMusic! Far parte di un team con artisti e band leggendari che abbiamo ascoltato da quando abbiamo iniziato a studiare musica, è un sogno che si avvera!
Il nostro nuovo singolo, ‘Don’t Go Too Early’, è un misto di fusion-jazz, progressive metal aggressivo, arrangiamenti per quartetto di fiati e un’orchestrazione d’avanguardia per quartetto d’archi, che porta un colore unico a questa musica complessa ma orecchiabile. Non vediamo l’ora di condividere con voi tutta la musica su cui stiamo lavorando!”

Il commento di Freddy Palmer di InsideOutMusic:
“Gli Asymmetric Universe sono un perfetto esempio del tipo di musica strumentale che sta facendo scalpore in questo momento, non potremmo essere più entusiasti di aggiungerli al roster dell’etichetta e far parte del loro brillante futuro.”

Gli ASYMMETRIC UNIVERSE suoneranno di spalla a Plini ed Haken il prossimo 5 luglio presso il Live Music Club di Trezzo sull’Adda (MI).

Formed in 2018, with the goal of pushing the limit of modern prog and fusing disparate genres, they combine metal with jazz & ambient music, alongside chamber orchestration. In 2023, the band released their second EP ‘The Sun Would Disappear As I Imagined All The Stars’, which was mixed by Forrester Savell and mastered by Ermin Hamidovic. They also embarked on their first European tour as support to Australian progressive metallers Ne Obliviscaris, as well as opening for Caligula’s Horse in Italy.

Both brothers are mostly self-taught musicians, who have been heavily involved in composition and orchestration, as well as music production.

Federico has composed music for as wide ranging places as Radio Montecarlo (one of the biggest Italian radio stations), as well as one of the largest Italian amusement park Mirabilandia. He is a metal/rock producer and this background influences his work as a composer in the video game industry. He is also a professional music and guitar teacher with online students from different parts of the world.

Nicolò has composed pieces for various orchestral organisations (two pieces were performed in the latest symphonic season of Orchestra Sinfonica of Sanremo and one performed at Rome Jazz Festival in 2021 with a big band), worked as a composer in many Musicals and he is currently working in the video game soundtrack industry (also as a sound designer), ranging from indie games to bigger productions. He also professionally teaches composition, orchestration and adaptive music techniques for video games.