Heavy Power

Beast In Black: il lyric video di ‘Broken Survivors’ in tributo a Kentaro Miura (1966-2021)

Di Orso Comellini - 8 Maggio 2022 - 12:07
Beast In Black: il lyric video di ‘Broken Survivors’ in tributo a Kentaro Miura (1966-2021)

I Beast In Black hanno pubblicato il lyric video di ‘Broken Survivors’ in tributo a Kentaro Miura (1966-2021), scomparso il 6 maggio dello scorso anno. Mangaka reso celebre per la creazione di Berserk, tra gli altri. Questo il video:

On May 6th, 2021, the world of Japanese manga lost Kentaro Miura, one of their most important artists and the creator of the epic manga “Berserk”.
“Berserk” has sold over 50 million books worldwide, making it one of the best selling manga series of all time.
For BEAST IN BLACK fans, it is no secret that mastermind and main songwriter Anton Kabanen drew his inspiration from “Berserk” and you can find these elements in every BEAST IN BLACK release.
Today marks one year since the untimely passing of Kentaro Miura.
Kabanen shares a few personal thoughts:
“We all hurt, we all break, we all feel sorrow and profound pain, for that’s the price of being fragile and delicate. But with this same fragility and delicacy we may open ourselves to kindness, gentleness, joy, understanding, empathy, caring, longing and love. I believe Kentaro Miura knew this very well, as he imbued his characters of Berserk with these qualities, and complex yet accessible emotional depths. He knew how to make hearts beat, and how to make souls resonate, because he could feel it. This is what made Berserk meaningful to me, and undoubtedly to many other devoted admirers as well. Hence we, Beast In Black, aimed to prepare something unique to encapsulate the warmer and gentler side of Kentaro’s humanly vulnerable characters.
With eternal love and respect for Kentaro Miura, we proudly present you: BROKEN SURVIVORS!”

Check out the beautiful animated lyric video, honoring Kentaro Miura.
Watch the video here:  https://youtu.be/Hm1eWYDNSNk

Beast In Black

Yannis Papadopoulos | vocals
Mate Molnar | bass
Atte Palokangas | drums
Kasperi Heikkinen | guitars
Anton Kabanen | guitars, vocals

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