Blind Channel: nuovo singolo e nuovo video, ascolta la nuova ‘Deadzone’

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I BLIND CHANNEL hanno pubblicano il nuovo singolo “DEADZONE” accompagnato da un videoclip ufficiale. Il brano mette in mostra l’ambizioso ‘violent pop’ della band, con ritornelli orecchiabili, potenti cori e la fusione di metal ed elettronica.
Il commento della band:
“‘DEADZONE’ è una delle nostre canzoni preferite di sempre. È una canzone sul raggiungimento del punto di non ritorno. Devi fare una scelta, arrenderti o andare avanti. ‘DEADZONE’ è il momento di assoluta incertezza. Ci siamo passati tutti.
Abbiamo scritto questa canzone a Los Angeles con la leggenda del rock Johnny Andrews, che ha scritto successi per Three Days Grace e Apocalyptica. Durante queste sessioni siamo riusciti a combinare il nostro DNA musicale dei primi anni 2000 con tutto ciò che amiamo nella musica mainstream di oggi. Il video è stato ispirato dalla vera storia sulla formazione dei Blind Channel dieci anni fa.”
“DEADZONE” è stata mixata dal candidato al Grammy Zakk Cervini (Blink-182, Machine Gun Kelly, Yungblud) e prodotto dalla band.
“Rohkea rokan syö”, or to loosely translate this Finnish saying: “Fortune Favors the Brave”. Truly, none have been braver than BLIND CHANNEL. Focusing intently on their mission to take their brand of infectiously ferocious nu-metal outside of Finland’s linguistic restrictions this bravery is engrained within.
When forming back in 2013 in the city of Oulu, way up in the North of Finland, vocalists Niko and Joel Hokka, drummer Tommi Lalli, guitarist Joonas Porko and bass player Olli Matela, plus the later addition of keyboardist Alex Mattson – knew that it was all about going big or going home. When they were told to sing in their native tongue, they refused. It was simply never an option. The doors that closed only made them want to grab an axe to break through (‘The Shining’ style) to properly make themselves known. This is exactly what they did when they found their way onto the largest stage in Europe: Eurovision. BLIND CHANNEL captured and enamored the continent with the fiery nu-metal charge of “Dark Side”.
Be warned however, Eurovision isn’t the crux of BLIND CHANNEL’s story. Furiously fighting their way into the worldwide mainstream, the six-piece have always been embracing their influences, from nu-metal iconoclasts to pop and hip-hop behemoths, it’s all a part of BLIND CHANNEL’s DNA. That’s the key to their draw, they’re only interested in sticking true to themselves while studiously searching for the keys to unlock the doors of success.
“In Finland, we’ve got the most-streamed song. We play huge festival shows, huge headline shows for thousands of people. All the big labels are saying that ‘You guys have made it, I was wrong’ and we’re like ‘Yeah, here we are!’ But what happens next?” Joel says, fire burning in his eyes. “We need to show the people in Germany, UK, United States, every European country. There’s a lot of work to do for sure but we’ll be enjoying this sweet revenge. It’s not enough yet!”
Finding their equivalent of Beatlemania in their homeland, and being the next great export, more bands popping up in Finland since their success, there’s nothing that can stand in the way of BLIND CHANNEL. Their hunger is still rumbling away, and if it’s “go big or go home,” it’s bigger all the way.
Joel Hokka – Vocals
Niko Vilhelm Moilanen – Vocals
Joonas Porko – Guitar
Olli Matela – Bass
Tommi Lalli – Drums
Aleksi Kaunisvesi – DJ, Percussion