Blood Incantation: disponibile il preorder del nuovo album “Absolute Elsewhere”

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I BLOOD INCANTATION hanno recentemente annunciato il nuovo album “Absolute Elsewhere”, in uscita il 4 ottobre 2024 su Century Media Records. Da oggi è disponibile il preorder dell’album nei seguenti formati: https://
Ltd. Deluxe 3CD + Blu-ray Artbook
Ltd. CD Digipak
Digital album
Digital album (Dolby Atmos)
Gatefold black LP & Poster
Ltd. Gatefold transp. turquoise LP & Poster (All EU Outlets)
Ltd. Gatefold transp. green LP & Poster (All UK Outlets)
Ltd. Gatefold clear-lilac splattered LP & Poster ( & various // Ltd. 700 Units)
Ltd. Gatefold transp. magenta LP & Poster ( // Ltd. 300 Units)
Ltd. Gatefold transp. glow in the dark LP & Poster (Bandcamp // Ltd. 500 Units)
Ltd. Gatefold Sparkle Universe LP & Poster (Kings Road Merch // Ltd. 500 Units)
Ltd. Gatefold transp. sun yellow-red splattered LP & Poster ( // Ltd. 500 Units)
Ltd. Gatefold neon orange LP & Poster (Available from // Ltd. 300 Units)
Gatefold black LP & Poster
Ltd. Gatefold transp. red LP & Poster (All US Outlets)
Ltd. Gatefold golden LP & Poster (US Indie Retailers // Ltd. 1500 Units)
Ltd. Gatefold ultra clear LP & Poster (All Blood Incantation // Ltd. 1000 Units)
La death metal band americana è inoltre lieta di presentare il trailer del documentario “All Gates Open: In Search Of Absolute Elsewhere”:
Il film di 73 minuti racchiude le immagini del soggiorno della band a Berlino durante la scorsa estate per le registrazioni del nuovo disco presso i leggendari Hansa Studios. Disponibile in Blu-ray con il formato mediabook deluxe dell’album e comprenderà anche la colonna sonora originale del documentario, “All Gates Open (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”. Questa edizione speciale include anche il maxi-singolo del 2023, “Luminescent Bridge” per la prima volta su CD, e naturalmente “Absolute Elsewhere” in entrambi i mix, standard e Dolby Atmos / 5.1, con note di copertina, interviste esclusive, materiale del dietro le quinte e un’introduzione di Ross Dolan degli Immolation.
“Absolute Elsewhere” è diverso da qualsiasi cosa finora pubblicata e sentita. Sì, questa è un’affermazione audace, forse iperbolica, ma pochi possono rivendicare uno spartiacque sonico così incredibile come il quartetto di Denver. In bilico per quasi 45 minuti, il loro disco più lungo di sempre, in due movimenti tentacolari, “The Stargate” e “The Message”, tanto confondenti quanto coinvolgenti.
Il commento del chitarrista Paul Riedl:
“‘Absolute Elsewhere’ è il nostro più incredibile viaggio sonoro, come la colonna sonora di un’epica fantascientifica in stile Herzog sulla storia della coscienza umana o addirittura una battaglia per la stessa, attraverso un album Prog degli anni ’70 suonato da una band death metal anni ’90 ma con uno sguardo al futuro.”
BLOOD INCANTATION – “Absolute Elsewhere”:
1. The Stargate (20:20)
2. The Message (23:23)
La death metal band americana presenta inoltre la propria pagina discord Stargate Research Society e l’app Elsewhere Searcher (accessibile solo da mobile), una nuova casa per tutti i fan dei Blood Incantation.
I ricercatori hanno recentemente riscoperto un floppy disk anni degli anni 80 contenente un software tracker e attraverso un meticoloso studio del sistema solare hanno notato l’apparizione di un nuovo pianeta rosso nelle vicinanze della Cintura di Orione. I ricercatori affermano anche che il nuovo pianeta emette segnali a intermittenza, anche se non sono ancora state registrate queste trasmissioni. La società ha messo le sue ricerche a disposizione del pubblico nel tentativo di avvertire i cittadini del rapido approccio del pianeta verso la Terra, con una possibile collisione nell’ottobre 2024. Il tracker è aperto al pubblico su www.stargateresearchsociety.
For inspiration, the group looked to the mid-70’s progressive rock collective, Absolute Elsewhere (best known as a celestial stopover for King Crimson drummer, Bill Bruford) as the album’s namesake. For the uninitiated, Absolute Elsewhere’s obscure 1976 album, In Search of Ancient Gods, was constructed as a musical accompaniment to the works of Chariots of the Gods author, Erich Von Daniken, and his theories of non-terrestrial humanoid prompts towards mankind’s evolution. The subject matter of which should serve as no surprise to anyone familiar with Blood Incantation’s cosmically philosophical leanings. But make no mistake, the four musicians working under the Blood Incantation banner for the past decade – guitarist and vocalist Paul Riedl, drummer Isaac Faulk, guitarist Morris Kolontyrsky and bassist Jeff Barrett – have successfully left the microgravity of genre behind and are re-writing the Rosetta Stone of extreme music with a new language entirely. Demonstrations like their 2022 all-synth show or 2024’s Roadburn Festival headlining appearance where they played back-to-back death metal and ambient made it clear: Blood Incantation have honed their abilities to go boldly where few bands have gone before, and reveal no signs of slowing down.
For Absolute Elsewhere, the band’s first full-length since their cinematic Timewave Zero EP (2022) and epic Luminescent Bridge maxi-single (2023), Blood Incantation decamped to the celebrated Hansa Tonstudios in Berlin, Germany in July 2023 to record with wünderkid producer Arthur Rizk (Power Trip, Spectral Voice, Kreator, Wayfarer, Sumerlands, etc). This legendary, pre-Weimar-built recording complex was where many of their most progressive influences including Tangerine Dream, Eloy and Brian Eno created classic albums in the 1970s. Unmistakably, Hansa and Berlin became part of the underlying character of the album, culminating in Tangerine Dream’s own Thorsten Quaeschning contributing lead synths, Mellotron and programming to “The Stargate [Tablet II]”. Other special guests include Nicklas Malmqvist, from Sweden’s star-riding Hällas, on lead synths/keys, piano and Mellotron throughout all tracks, and Malte Gericke, the Sijjin/ex-Necros Christos mainman contributing guest vocals in his native tongue. Underscoring the classic Progressive Rock vibe, the album is adorned with contemporary visionary paintings by the iconic and reclusive 70s Sci-Fi artist Steve R. Dodd. Together, this international all-star team adds to the unearthly atmospherics of Absolute Elsewhere, which defines a new musical epoch for Blood Incantation.
Paul Riedl – Guitars, Vocals
Isaac Faulk – Drums
Morris Kolontyrsky – Guitars
Jeff Barrett – Fretless Bass