Bonded: danno il benvenuto all’ex-Kreator Christian “Speesy” Giesler

I Bonded hanno dato il loro benvenuto a Christian “Speesy” Giesler, l’ex-bassista dei Kreator. La formazione attuale, quindi, oltre al nuovo entrante vede Bernemann (ex-Sodom) e Chris Tsitsis alle chitarre e Ingo Bajonczak alla voce. Il quartetto è poi accompagnato dal vivo alla batteria da Gerd Lücking (Holy Moses).
Thrash metal veteran Christian “Speesy” Giesler (formerly Kreator) joins forces with supergroup BONDED.
Bernemann Kost (Sodom, Bonded) adds:
“We’ve been talking about making music together since the “Hell comes to your town” tour in 2001/2002. It just took us a little longer to realize our plans than usual hahaha…..we were both so involved with our jobs at Kreator and Sodom that we never found the time, but we always stayed in touch over the years. If Speesy hadn’t still been with Kreator in January 2018, he would have been our first choice for Bonded, but due to the intensive Kreator tours it was out of the question. That’s why we were very happy about his collaboration on the song “Rest in Violence” together with Bobby Ellsworth. When the situation suddenly arose a few weeks ago and we broke up with our bass player, it was only logical for me to call Speesy first, and he didn’t really think long about an answer hahaha…. now we finally want to hit the gas pedal together.”
Photo credit: Lenn Photography