Brutal Assault 2019: aggiunti Parkway Drive, Azusa, Nordjevel, Combichrist e molti altri

Sono state annunciate nuove band per l’edizione 2019 del Brutal Assault 2019: la lista delle nuove band comprende Parkway Drive, Azusa (ex-The Dillinger Escape Plan), Nordjevel, Combichrist, Violent Magic Orchestra, Capsian, Déluge e Frog Leap. La manifestazione si terrà dal 7 al 10 agosto 2019.
Segue la line-up completa finora annunciata con i link ufficiali.
Aborted, After The Burial, Alien Weaponry, Agnostic Front, Animals As Leaders, Annal Nathrakh, Anathema, Annotations Of An Autopsy, Antaeus, Anthrax, Azusa, Batushka, Car Bomb, Carcass, Carpenter Brut, Caspian, Combichrist, Counting Hours, Coven, Crystal Lake, Cult Of Luna, Cytotoxin, Dr. Living Dead, Decapitated, Deicide, Daughters, Deluge, Demolition Hammer, Destruction, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Ektomorf, Electric Wizard, Emperor, Ensiferum, Eyehategod, Frog Leap, Get The Shot, Godflesh, Gorod, Gutalax, Gost, Heilung, Hellhammer – Triumph Of Death, Hexis, Higher Power, Hypocrisy, Immolation, Iron Reagan, Jinjer, Jungle Rot, Krisiun, Letters From The Colony, Lionheart, Manes, Meshuggah, Metal Church, Mgła, Midnight, Monster Magnet, Myrkur, Napalm Death, Necros Christos, Nordjevel, Of Mice & Men, Oceans Of Slumber, Parkway Drive, Perfecitizen, Primordial, Prong, Raised Fist, Rotting Christ, Sacred Reich, Saor, Shape Of Despair, Sick Of It All, Slægt, Skeletal Remains, Slapshot, Sodom, Soilwork, Taake, Tankard, Taphos, Testament, The Arson Project, The Contortionist, The Obsessed, The Ocean, Therion, Thy Art Is Murder, Toska, Unfathomable Ruination, Vampillia, Vargrav, Venom Prison, Violator, Violent Magic Orchestra, Voivod, Vuur, Vulvodynia, Walls Of Jericho, Windhand, Wolfbrigade, Woe Unto Me, Wormed, Zuriaake.
Brutal Assault online: