Damnation Gallery: rendono omaggio a “Into the Macabre” dei Necrodeath

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I Damnation Gallery, horror metal band italiana, parteciperanno al disco che celebrerà i 30 anni di “Into the Macabre” dei Necrodeath. L’album verrà edito da Black Tears e Kult of Cthulhu a fine anno. Di seguito la tracklist:MALIGNANCE “Mater Tenebrarum”/ DEATH MECHANISM “At the Mountains of Madness” / KILLERS LODGE “The Creature” / NECROBREATH “Eucharistical Sacrifice” / E-FORCE “Master of Morphine” / SCHIZO “Enter my Subconscious” / HORNHAMMER “The Flag of the Inverted Cross” / FOG “Red as Blood” / DAMNATION GALLERY “At the Roots of Evil” / PATH OF SORROW “Smell of Blood” / SEPTEM “Process of Violation” / METRALLA “Thanatoid”