Decapitated: annunciate tutte le date europee estive; una in Italia a luglio

I Decapitated hanno annunciato tutte le date del tour europeo estivo, che li vedrà promuovere il nuovo album “Cancer Culture” nei principali festival. La band polacca farà tappa in Italia il 24 luglio al Cernunnos Rock fest di Sellero (BS). Come già annunciato i Decapitated torneranno anche sul finire dell’anno per il tour da co-headliner con i Despised Icon.
Polish death metal masters DECAPITATED just released their highly praised album “Cancer Culture”, which catapulted them to an incredible chart position #4 in their home country Poland.
Now it´s time to hit the stages again and bring their neck breaking set of finest death metal gems to their fans.
See their summer dates for Europe below – tickets on sales now!DECAPITATED FESTIVALS01.06.22 Poland Gdańsk @ Mystic Festival10.06.22 The Netherlands Leeuwarden @ Into The Grave11.06.22 Finland Helsinki @ Hellsinki Metal Horizons17.06.22 Finland Oulu @ Metal Capital Festival18.06.22 Belgium Dessel @ Graspop24.06.22 France Clisson @ Hellfest01.07.22 Spain Viveiro @ Resurrection Fest08.07.22 Poland Zwierzyniec @ Rockowisko09.07.22 Poland Warsaw @ Frozen Sun Fest15.07.22 Lithuania Anykščiai @ Devilstone Festival22.07.22 Portugal Famalicão @ Laurus Nobilis Fest24.07.22 Italy Sellero @ Cernunnos Rock fest28.07.22 Slovenia Tolmin @ MetalDays30.07.22 Germany Ottobeuren @ Schlichtenfest04.08.22 Romania Rasnov @ Rockstadt Extreme Fest12.08.22 Czech Republic Jaromer @ Brutal Assault19.08.22 Austria Spital Am Semmering @ Kaltenbach20.08.22 Czech Republic Sadska @ Rock Of SadskaDECAPITATEDRIVERS OF NIHILRINGS OF SATURNHUMANITY’S LAST BREATH14.08.22 Germany Münster @ SputnikhalleDECAPITATEDRINGS OF SATURN15.08.22 Germany Flensburg @ Roxy ConcertsDECAPITATEDSUFFOCATIONRIVERS OF NIHILRINGS OF SATURNHUMANITY’S LAST BREATH16.08.22 Germany Cologne @ Essigfabrik17.08.22 Germany Aschaffenburg @ Colos-SaalNAPALM DEATHDECAPITATEDINGESTED18.08.22 Switzerland Aarau @ KiFF