Destructor: in autunno il nuovo album “Blood, Bone, and Fire”

Gli storici metaller Destructor, autori di quel gioiellino che risponde al nome di “Maximum Destruction” (1985), pubblicheranno il prossimo autunno il loro quinto album “Blood, Bone, and Fire” per Shadow Kingdom Records. Di seguito i primi dettagli.
Today, America’s Destructor reveal the cover artwork and tracklisting for their highly anticipated fifth album, Blood, Bone, and Fire, which will be released later this fall via Shadow Kingdom Records on CD, vinyl LP, and cassette tape formats.
1. Blood, Bone, and Fire
2. Iron Clad
3. Storm Upon the World
4. Never Surrender
5. Depths of Insanity
6. The Calling
7. Heroic Age
8. Hammering the Steel
9. Dominate
Destructor formed in 1984, hailing from the steel town of Cleveland, Ohio. The original lineup consisted of guitarist Pat Rabid, drummer Matt Flammable, bassist Paul Warhead, and vocalist/guitarist Dave Overkill. Paul Warhead was soon replaced by Dave Holocaust. With this lineup intact, Destructor would find themselves taking Cleveland by storm, playing legendary shows with bands such as Megadeth, Slayer, Nasty Savage, Anthrax, and more.
In the summer of 1985, Destructor would record their debut album, Maximum Destruction, for Auburn Records and then license it to Roadrunner Records in 1986, helping to spread Maximum Destruction across the European continent. With the band’s signature power-thrash sound, Destructor would gain a bigger and broader fanbase worldwide. In 1987, the band would gain the attention of major label Island Records, but tragedy would strike the band on New Year’s Day 1988: Dave Holocaust would be murdered by a complete stranger in the early morning hours. After the loss of the beloved member and the major label deciding to pass on the whole record deal, Destructor found themselves struggling to stay the course for the next few years in and the American market ever changing with the birth of grunge. They would finally call it quits in 1992.
After much interest still gaining for the band, Destructor would reunite in 1999. After new member Jamie Boulder, AKA Athenar of Midnight, joined in 2002, the band would record the album Sonic Bullet. Blasting their way into the future with the following releases Forever in Leather, EP Storm of Steel, Back in Bondage, and Decibel Casualties, Destructor would find new life breathed into the band’s fanbase worldwide.
In the year 2012, original member Pat Rabid and Jamie Boulder would depart the band’s camp, opening the door for Nick Annihilator and Tim Hammer (Wretch). This lineup would continue the tradition of pounding evil for the next 10 years. Nick Annihilator would decide to leave the band but helped in writing two new songs and open the door once again for guitarist Mark Hellhound; Tim Hammer would also contribute a new song. With this lineup now set, the band would start recording a new record for new label home Shadow Kingdom in 2022.
Now, at long last, that album is ready, bearing the true-as-steel title Blood, Bone, and Fire. Destructor‘s first new recording is six years, Blood, Bone, and Fire is a timeless slab of PURE METAL, taking in speed metal, thrash, power metal, and traditional styles alike – in essence, same as it’s always been for these enduring cult legends. What’s more, it’s been nearly 40 years since the original release of Maximum Destruction, and one could easily slot this new Destructor album next to it: sinister, surging riffs not without (mean) melody, varied but utterly propulsive rhythms, and the tough ‘n’ commanding vocals of founder Dave Overkill. Classy and classic in equal measure, recorded and mixed powerfully but thankfully not lacking grit, Blood, Bone, and Fire is simply a great record no matter what year you place it in. That Destructor have managed to keep intact their original ’80s spirit but not lazily rehash past glories is something to celebrate; that they arguably sound fiercer and more fiery than ever is almost astonishing – and obviously something to also celebrate.
No signs of slowing down or weakening or giving in to trends, Destructor are ready to spread Blood, Bone, and Fire across the world. Join their crusade or get crushed!
Release date and preorder info to be announced shortly. For more info, consult the links below.