Djevel: nuovo album a novembre; ascolta ‘Kronet av en væpnet haand’

I Djevel pubblicheranno a novembre il secondo album della trilogia iniziata lo scorso anno con “Tanker som rir natten”. Del nuovo lavoro è possibile ascoltare il primo estratto, intitolato ‘Kronet av en væpnet haand’.
The second part of the ferocious Djevel album trilogy will be released in November.
The first track “Kronet av en væpnet haand” is just premiered at Djevel – Kronet av en væpnet haand (Track Premiere) – YouTube
Djevel has over the years become one of Norway’s most sought-after bands in the Black Metal scene, with their previous “Tanker som rir natten” taking the band to new heights with a new line-up consisting of Ciekals, Faust (ex-Emperor) and Kvitrim (Vemod, Mare).
“Tanker som rir natten” was the band’s 7th album, but the first part in the current album trilogy. The album won a Norwegian grammy for best metal album of 2021.