Dorguz: i dettagli del nuovo album “Solemn Impiety of Sacrilege” in uscita ad Halloween

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Amanti del metallo nero, è in arrivo per voi un viaggio sonoro senza compromessi con il nuovo album dei Dorguz in uscita il 31 ottobre.
Con riff taglienti come lame e una batteria che martella come un cuore nero, i Dorguz ci portano indietro nel tempo, quando il black metal era crudo, selvaggio e incontaminato. La loro musica è una dichiarazione di resistenza contro le convenzioni, un richiamo alle radici di un genere che ha sempre sfidato i confini.
Le varie sfumature dell’oscurità prendono concretezza nella brutalità sonora dell’opera di Chernobog e Hekate creando un inno al black metal primordiale fatto di riff gelidi, brani intrisi di arcane eco blasfeme e lyrics dedicate a temi come il satanismo e la stregoneria.
I due singoli di presentazione dell’album “On Arcane Sufferings” e “Satan’s Silence” sono disponibili sul loro canale Youtube; prendetevi qualche minuto per immergervi in questi lyrics video, fatevi trasportare dalle immagini e lasciate che la musica vi avvolga in un abbraccio oscuro

Di seguito i link

Italian black metallers Dorguz will release their fourth studio album “Solemn Impiety of Sacrilege” on Nova Era Records on October 31st.
The album is the first to feature Hekate, a nun secretly dedicated to the dark arts, who joins the founder and all-rounder Chernobog to take care of the lyrics.
“Solemn Impiety of Sacrilege” continues the blasphemous and satanic saga of the band always in the wake of an occult symphonic black metal inspired by the seminal scandinavian and english scene of the nineties, a saga inaugurated with the old records composed at the beginning of the 2000s and released on the last decade only on cassette and limited edition for Depressive Illusions Records.
From the point of view of the lyrics, the album paints a dark picture made up of philosophical reinterpretations around the concept of Satanism as the band understands it: an anti-cosmic and depressive concentration of nihilism and misanthropy, artistically interpreted and elevated by occult practices of pagan origin.
Here’s how Chernobog talks about it:
“This album has a particular origin, I hadn’t had any ideas for a while and honestly it didn’t worry me because for me black metal has exhausted its expressive drive for at least a decade. Then a couple of years ago I met Hekate , twenty years younger than me, and I said to myself “holy shit this girl, in addition to being a Satanist nun, is twenty-two years old and lives black metal in an all-encompassing and extreme way, as was done in the past, so perhaps there is still someone worth composing music for, someone who isn’t a nostalgic forty/fifty year old, assuming he hasn’t committed suicide yet”. Then things sort of put themselves together finding in Nova Era Records a interested and serious label, and that’s all”.
“Solemn Impiety of Sacrilege” tracklisting:
1. On Arcane Sufferings
2. Helvete På Jord
3. The Infernal Legions Gather
4. God Dethroned
5. Principle of Evil Descending to Earth
6. Covenant of Dead Witches
7. Satan’s Silence
8. Cold Storm Blasphemy
The album was recorded, mixed and mastered in Dark Helvete Studio directly by Chernobog, while the artwork is the work of Hekate and dark helvete art studio.
The production, as the genre requires, is characterized by a raw and spare approach, aimed at giving the record an authentically raw and as little as possible processed sound.
The album will be released in Jewel Case CD, as well as in digital version, and will be available for purchase on the label’s site and social networks and on the band’s Facebook page.
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