Einherjer: pubblicata la performance integrale al Wacken Open Air 2016

WackenTV, canale YouTube ufficiale dello staff del Wacken Open Air, ha pubblicato la performance integrale che la viking metal band norvegese Einherjer ha tenuto sul palco della popolare manifestazione tedesca nel corso dell’edizione targata 2016:
01. Dreamstorm
02. Forever Empire
03. Conquerer
04. Storms of the Elder
05. Slaget Ved Hafrsjord
06. Ballad of the Swords
07. Dragons of the North
Einherjer lineup:
Ulvar — Drums, Keyboards (1993-2004, 2008-present)
See also: Battered, ex-Beelzebub
Grimar — Guitars (1993-2004, 2008-2016), Vocals (1997-2004, 2008-present), Bass (2016-present)
See also: Twilight of the Gods, Battered, ex-Beelzebub
Aksel Herløe — Guitars (1999-2004, 2008-present)
See also: Battered
Ole Sønstabø — Guitars (lead) (2016-present)
See also: Fear Theories, ex-Hillbilly Blitzkrieg