Enforcer: il video ufficiale di ‘Metal Supremacia’

E’ uscito nei negozi “Nostalgia“, nuovo album degli Enforcer, e per celebrarne la pubblicazione la band svedese ha diffuso il video ufficiale di ‘Metal Supremacia’, che potete vedere di seguito.
ENFORCER proudly present their new studio album Nostalgia! Almost four years after its predecessor Zenith, the Swedes deliver their most mature work to date, which will undoubtedly satisfy every heavy metal fan with each of the 13 songs. To celebrate the release, the metal pioneers have revealed a new music video for ‘Metal Supremacia‘. The catchy anthem brings ENFORCER back to their classic speed metal sound and shows once again that the Swedes have raised the bar even higher with their sixth album.
Watch the new video for ‘Metal Supremacia‘ here: https://www.youtube.com/
ENFORCER‘s Olof Wikstrand comments:
“We’re super excited to present our sixth album, Nostalgia, to the world! We’ve been working so hard on this and can’t wait to let you all hear it and take it out on the road. Heavy metal forever!”
Get your copy of the new album Nostalgia here:
Previously, the band already released two music videos for both singles ‘Coming Alive‘ and title track ‘Nostalgia‘ which can be witnessed below:
Watch the video for ‘Nostalgia‘ here: https://www.youtube.com/
Watch the video for ‘Coming Alive‘ here: https://www.youtube.com/
Olof Wikstrand | vocals, guitars
Jonas Wikstrand | drums, piano & keyboards
Jonathan Nordwall | guitars
Garth Condit | bass