Epica: il video di ‘Victims Of Contingency’ dal nuovo “Ωmega Alive”

Esce oggi nei negozi il nuovo album dal vivo degli Epica, intitolato “Ωmega Alive”. La band ha pubblicato il video di ‘Victims Of Contingency‘ per festeggiare la nuova release.
Despite the recent postponement of their European tour and ongoing pandemic, Dutch symphonic metal legends EPICA have erected an unmatched monument to the live music scene this year with “Ωmega Alive”. Out in stores today, the new release is available in several audiovisual formats, such as DVD, BluRay, 3LP vinyl gatefold in various colours, Earbook and boxset. The latter contains 5 beautiful 10” records with a zoetrope print. You can have a look at all the different versions of the release in a new unboxing video featuring singer Simone Simons here: https://youtu.be/4HaPytCtZIk
Simone comments: “Here it is! Our latest and greatest EPICA show in the history of EPICA; ΩMEGA ALIVE. We are beyond excited about this release, in which we can all relive our most special show to date. We wish you a lot of musical moments and hope that you don’t wake up the next morning with a headbang hangover ;)”
With spectacular stage effects, dancers, acrobats and accompanying storyline, “Ωmega Alive” drags the viewer right down into the magical rabbit hole, and with the latest single ‘Victims Of Contingency‘, you can get ready for fire, fog AND rain: https://youtu.be/aT1JsH2_97c
Available via the streaming or download platform of your choice, you can listen to the new release here:
The full video stream of “Ωmega Alive” is now also exclusively available for 3-day-rental at the offical bandstore:
https://epicamerch.com/products/omega-alive-3-day- rental Order the BluRay/DVD, 3LP Vinyl, 2CD, Earbooks or Boxset via this link: http://nblast.de/Epica–
OmegaAlive In case you missed the burning pianos, firedancers or children’s choir on the previous singles, check them out here:
‘Unchain Utopia – Ωmega Alive -‘: https://youtu.be/c8XdrOhEZl0
‘The Skeleton Key – Ωmega Alive -‘ – https://youtu.be/zIZkvhiOUU8
‘Kingdom Of Heaven Pt 3 – The Antediluvian Universe -‘: https://youtu.be/BdBCVMD8TiMEPICA is:
Simone Simons | vocals
Isaac Delahaye | guitars
Mark Jansen | guitars, grunts, screams
Coen Janssen | synths, piano
Ariën van Weesenbeek | drums
Rob van der Loo | bassMore info: