Gli Stratovarius perdono il batterista

Sembrano non avere termine i problemi per la squadra di Timo Tolkki, ora anche il nuovo batterista, in formazione da nemmeno una settimana, ha deciso di abbandonare l’idea di suonare permanentemente negli Stratovarius.
Ecco il testo della news originale:
Statement from Timo Tolkki regarding the departure of Anders Johansson:
“He gave me a call and said that he doesn´t want to join the band permanently and that he is happy to be in Hammerfall playing True Metal.
Since I am looking for a permanent member, we agreed in good spirits to go separate ways.
I am very disappointed that he didn´t want to join STRATOVARIUS permanently, but at the same time I wish him and the Hammerfall guys well and best of luck with their career.
I suspect that the decision of Anders has something to do with my reputation. I can understand him very well, I wouldn´t join a band in which I would be playing in.
I have already contacted a Finnish drummer and I hope I can announce his name very soon.”
In Metal, Timo Tolkki