Gotthard: posticipata a maggio la data a Milano

GOTTHARD: la data di Milano posticipata al 2022
Comunichiamo che, per motivi logistici legati allo stato emergenziale, il tour europeo di GOTTHARD, e quindi anche il concerto italiano previsto per 12 dicembre 2021 al Fabrique di Milano, vengono posticipati al 2022.
Di seguito i dettagli della nuova data italiana:
+ special guests
26 maggio 2022 – Milano, Fabrique
I biglietti precedentemente acquistati restano validi per la nuova data.
Prezzo del biglietto in prevendita: € 30,00 + d.p.
Prezzo del biglietto in cassa: € 35,00
Biglietti disponibili qui:
Questo il comunicato dela band:
With a heavy heart we have to inform you that our managment and promoter have decided, that our concerts, planned for December 2021, cannot take place. Due to the current Corona developments, a safe implementation of the tour cannot be guaranteed. Since the health and safety of our fans and our crew is our top priority, we unfortunately have to postpone the dates until next year.We thank you for your understanding and your incredible loyalty, stay healthy!Information about the Swiss concerts:The show at the Kongresshaus in Biel has to be cancelled without replacement. All possible postponement dates collide with other concerts and festivals which are already planned for 2022, so this show unfortunately will no longer take place.Ticket holders for the show at the Kongresshaus in Biel have the following options:Refund:Tickets can be returned from December 1st, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. to January 9th, 2022 at the place of purchase.Exchange:Tickets for the Kongresshaus in Biel can be used either for the concerts in Langenthal or Sursee. The current tickets remain valid and can be used for one of the two dates, no further action from your side required.All tickets purchased remain valid.