Hardcore Superstar: annunciano il nuovo album “Abrakadabra”

Gli Hardcore Superstar hanno annunciato il nuovo album “Abrakadabra”, in uscita il prossimo 25 marzo per Gain – Fifth Island Music. Qui il primo singolo estratto, intitolato ‘Weep When You Die’.
The success and acclaim of “You Can’t Kill My Rock N’ Roll“ inspired the band significantly and writing for the next record enthusiastically started whilst out on tour. Connecting with so many fans, old and new has helped to influence the shape and sound of the new record, with Adde commenting that the new album:
“Feels like the record we should have released after the Black album”
The new album “Abrakadabra” will be released worldwide March 25th 2022, containing 10 hard hitting songs exploding with riffs, attitude, intensity and that magical feeling you get when work is over and the weekend is here. This is an album for the fans and best shared with great friends, cold beers and very loud speakers!!
Recorded in 2020 and early 2021 at both Österlyckan and Bombastik in Musikens Hus – Gothenburg, the decision was made early on to once again work with Johan Reiven, who was responsible for production duties on the bands “Black Album”. Adde states:
“Working with Johan was like stepping back in time, there’s a shared intensity and commitment to excel that collectively drives us and ultimately brings out the best in us all… I am 100% happy with the result”.
This shared intensity can be heard on every one of the tracks from the defiantly rebellious “Dreams In Red” through to the bar soaked philosophy of “One For All” and the thundering powerhouse that is “Catch Me If You Can”.
Abrakadabra is uncomplicated, Rock N’ Roll escapism and entertainment at its best… sprinkled with a little bit of magic for good measure.TOUR DATES
December 202103 VISBY, Donners
04 JÖNKÖPING, Fabriken
10 KARLSTAD, Nöjesfabriken
11 MORA, Lilla Helvetet
March 2022
25 VÄSTERÅS, O’Learys
May 2022
20 STAVANGER, Folken
21 OSLO, Vulkan Arena