Humanity’s Last Breath: firmano con Century Media Records

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Century Media Records è orgogliosa di annunciare la firma dei maestri svedesi della dissonanza uditiva HUMANITY’S LAST BREATH.
Creatura del chitarrista e produttore Buster Odelholm e del cantante Filip Danielsson, gli HUMANITY’S LAST BREATH hanno stabilito dei nuovi standard in merito a pesantezza, specialmente con le ultime due release “Ashen” (2023) e Valde (2021), entrambe pubblicate su Unique Leader.
La band è attualmente al lavoro per il proprio debutto sulla nuova etichetta; il nuovo album è previsto in uscita nel corso del 2025.
Il commento della band:
“Siamo entusiasti di annunciare la nostra firma con Century Media Records e siamo entusiasti di unire le forze con questa leggendaria etichetta! Restate sintonizzati!”
Il commento di Mike Gitter, A&R di Century Media:
“Siamo orgogliosi di lavorare con HUMANITY’S LAST BREATH. Abbiamo già lavorato con Buster per Vildjharta e siamo fan dei suoi lavori. HLB è un mix letale di musica estrema e innovazione, un ‘sound-design di proporzioni infernali’.”
Said Metalsucks in their review of Ashen: Humanity’s Last Breath is apocalyptic. Beyond the low tunings and filthy growls lies something genuinely scary. That’s the real beauty of THALL. It’s really the whatever these guys need it to be in order to deal maximum damage in just under an hour.”
HUMANITY’S LAST BREATH formed over a decade ago as a creative outlet for Odelholm (who also plays with Swedish progressive metal legends, Vildhjarta and drums with metalcore standard-setters, Thrown). Solidifying a live lineup in 2016, which now also includes guitarist Calle Thomer and drummer Klas Blomgren, HLB began a string scattered touring and appearances at European festivals including Brutal Assault, Euroblast and the UK’s Tech-Fest. Starting on April 30th Phoenix, Arizona, HUMANITY’s LAST BREATH will make its first-ever stop on US soil on the 2024 Chaos and Carnage Tour with a lineup that includes Cattle Decapitation, Carnifex and Century Media labelmates, Vitriol.
CHAOS AND CARNAGE US TOUR w/ Cattle Decapitation, Carnifex, Rivers of Nihil, Zenith Passage, Vitriol and Face Yourself.
April 30 – Mesa, AZ @ The Nile
May 2 – Austin, TX @ Come & Take It Live
May 3 – Dallas, TX @ Granada Theater
May 4 – San Antonio, TX @ Vibes Event Center
May 6 – Tampa, FL @ Orpheum
May 8 – Nashville, TN @ Brooklyn Bowl
May 10 – Brooklyn, NY @ Brooklyn Monarch
May 11 – Reading, PA @ Reverb
May 12 – Worcester, MA @ The Palladium
May 14 – Liverpool, NY @ Sharkey’s Event Center
May 15 – New Kensington, PA @ Preserving Underground
May 16 – Columbus, OH @ King of Clubs
May 17 – Pontiac, MI @ The Crofoot
May 18 – Chicago, IL @ WC Social Club
May 20 – Denver, CO @ Gothic Theatre
May 23 – Berkeley, CA @ UC Theatre
May 24 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Belasco
May 25 – Anaheim, CA @ House of Blues
May 26 – Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues
HUMANITY’S LAST BREATH EU festival appearances & UK headline tour w/ Heart Of A Coward*:
05/06/2024 SE, Sölvesborg, Sweden Rock Festival
28/07/2024 UK, Manchester, Radar Festival
29/07/2024 UK, Bristol, The Fleece*
30/07/2024 UK, Birmingham, Asylum*
31/07/2024 UK, London, The Dome*
03/08/2024 RO, Rasnov, Rockstadt Extreme Festival
07/08/2024 CZ, Jaromer, Brutal Assault Festival
10/08/2024 FI, Helsinki, Helsinki Metal Festival