Imperial Triumphant: annunciano il nuovo LP “Goldstar” con il nuovo singolo “Lexington Delirium” (con Tomas Haake)

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Il 21 marzo il trio avant-death metal IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT pubblicherà il suo sesto full-length “Goldstar”, su Century Media Records. “Goldstar” è il loro lavoro più immediato ed evocativo fino ad oggi, mette a freno il loro vagabondaggio musicale con un nuovo movimento che la band ha solo accennato con i precedenti lavori. Il loro ultimo singolo “Lexington Delirium” (con l’inquietante voce parlata di Tomas Haake) è solo un esempio di questo maggiore acume compositivo pur mantenendo il loro caratteristico virtuosismo musicale in questo omaggio alla classica architettura di New York. Guarda il video girato presso l’iconico Chrysler Building, un’opportunità rara che non viene concessa a molti artisti soprattutto agli ultimi piani, e diretto da Brendan McGowan:
Il commento della band:
“Le ziggurat si innalzano, i grattacieli piangono, e il futuro non nasce da qualcosa di organico ma da un grembo cosmico e meccanico. Parla di posteri persi nella congestione della Nuova Cultura, un luogo in cui l’ambizione torreggiante di Manhattan nasconde un delirio imminente. Il Trono di bulloni diventa sia una sede di potere che uno spettro incombente, che implora la salvezza dall’ondata di progresso senz’anima. Abbiamo scalato la guglia deco del magnifico Chrysler Building per offrirvi un’esperienza visiva maestosa”.
Il commento del bassista Steve Blanco:
“Guardando i raggi di sole in acciaio inossidabile dell’edificio ho sentito una profonda connessione con qualcosa di più grande, una profonda risonanza con l’universo stesso. Condividere quel momento con i miei compagni di band Zachary e Kenny e con tutte le persone coinvolte ha reso il tutto ancora più favoloso”.
“Goldstar” è disponibile in preorder: https://
Disponibili anche i precedenti singoli:
“Eye of Mars”:
“Hotel Sphinx”:
La copertina è stata realizzata da a Zbigniew M. Bielak
IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT – “Goldstar”: https://
1. Eye of Mars
2. Gomorrah Nouveaux
3. Lexington Delirium (ft. Tomas Haake)
4. Hotel Sphinx
5. NEWYORKCITY (ft. Yoshiko Ohara)
6. Goldstar
7. Rot Moderne
8. Pleasuredome (ft. Dave Lombardo & Tomas Haake)
9. Industry of Misery
With their upcoming release, Goldstar, the masked triumvirate Imperial Triumphant continues their exploration of the urban and arcane. The band has found inspiration in the sound of metal pushed to its darkest extremes, gilded, art deco temples, and looming cityscapes. Recorded in early 2024 with longtime collaborator and producer, Colin Marston (Gorguts, Krallice), as the final project recorded at Marston’s Menegroth Studios in Queens, the album was done in a breakneck five days. “As we recorded the final tracks, the experience felt like the universe was aligning,” the band observes. “Colin, who is basically a fourth member of the band to us, held space for this transformative moment, offering his incredible artistry and expertise, which only deepened the connection we had to the music. The sound that we captured in that sacred space was the crystallization of everything we’ve worked for, and the memories of those sessions will resonate within us for years to come. Music exists as a force beyond the infinite.”
With new single “Lexington Delirium” and the unveiling of Goldstar, the band reflects on what they’ve achieved – and what’s to come: “Imperial Triumphant’s upcoming album is a journey that feels both timeless and otherworldly, and we are beyond excited to share it with the world in 2025. The music we’ve created feels like it was born from a deeper, unseen realm, and we’re truly in love with every part of it. Our new video for ‘Lexington Delirium’ is a perfect reflection of that energy, filmed atop the majestic Chrysler Building. We’ve all admired its art deco beauty for years, and standing on top of such an iconic structure, surrounded by the clouds of Midtown, felt like stepping into a different age—an age of ambition and grandeur. Working with Brendan McGowen was an absolute pleasure, as his vision and creativity are greatly appreciated.”
Goldstar is a long cool drag and as intense an urban fever dream as only Imperial Triumphant can deliver. Stay tuned for more coming soon…
Just days before Goldstar’s release, Imperial Triumphant will join the 2025 Decibel Magazine Tour for an extensive North American run alongside headliners and labelmates Mayhem, plus Mortiis and New Skeletal Faces. Fans can expect a gilded mask-lift when Imperial Triumphant returns to the stage; new masks and an upgraded show will be part of their live experience with Goldstar and beyond.
See below for all dates; Decibel Magazine Tour tickets can be purchased at:
The Decibel Magazine Tour 2025 dates
w/ Mayhem, Mortiis, Imperial Triumphant, New Skeletal Faces
Mar 17, 2025: Atlanta, GA – The Masquerade (Heaven)
Mar 18, 2025: Nashville, TN – Brooklyn Bowl
Mar 19, 2025: Indianapolis, IN – The Vogue
Mar 20, 2025: Chicago, IL – House of Blues
Mar 22, 2025: Worcester, MA – The Palladium
Mar 23, 2025: Reading, PA – Reverb
Mar 24, 2025: New York, NY – Irving Plaza
Mar 25, 2025: Montreal, QC – Théâtre Beanfield
Mar 26, 2025: Toronto, ON – The Concert Hall
Mar 27, 2025: Detroit, MI – The Majestic Theatre
Mar 29, 2025: Minneapolis, MN – First Avenue
Mar 31, 2025: Denver, CO – Summit
Apr 3, 2025: Calgary, AB – The Palace Theatre
Apr 4, 2025: Edmonton, AB – Union Hall
Apr 6, 2025: Vancouver, BC – Rickshaw Theatre
Apr 7, 2025: Tacoma, WA – Temple Theatre
Apr 9, 2025: San Francisco, CA – The Fillmore
Apr 10, 2025: Anaheim, CA – House of Blues
Apr 11, 2025: Los Angeles, CA – The Belasco
Apr 12, 2025: San Diego, CA – House of Blues
Apr 13, 2025: Las Vegas, NV – House of Blues
Apr 14, 2025: Mesa, AZ – The Nile
Apr 16, 2025: Dallas, TX – The Echo Lounge & Music Hall
Apr 17, 2025: Austin, TX – Mohawk
Zachary Ezrin – Vocals, Guitar
Steve Blanco – Bass, Keyboards
Kenny Grohowski – Drums