Incantation: il video di ‘Fury’s Manifesto’, dal prossimo album “Sect of Vile Divinities”

Relapse Records ha pubblicato il lyric video di ‘Fury’s Manifesto’, pezzo degli Incantation tratto dal loro nuovo album “Sect of Vile Divinities”, la cui uscita è programmata per il prossimo 21 agosto via Relapse Records.
Tracklist “Sect of Vile Divinities”:01. Ritual Impurity (Seven of the Sky Is One)02. Propitiation
03. Entrails of the Hag Queen
04. Guardians from The Primeval
05. Black Fathom’s Fire
06. Ignis Fatuus
07. Chant of Formless Dread
08. Shadow-Blade Masters of Tempest and Maelstrom
09. Scribes of the Stygian
10. Unborn Ambrosia
11. Fury’s Manifesto
12. Siege Hive

Incantation online: