Interview with The Magus

Third and final “episode” of our short series of interviews aimed at glorifying the mythological Hellenic black metal scene. All in collaboration with our own Marco Donè, a true hierophant of such scene! The curtain rises for a truly mythological figure, that of The Magus, who we already interviewed a while ago – an interview which, in addition to music, also explored his passion for ancient fencing. The debut Βυσσοδομώντας is, as per tradition, an original album, unprecedented and certainly without successors. Ferocious, occult, varied: do yourself a favor and buy it if you’re tired of the stereotypes that have gripped black metal on a global scale for way too long now. And listen carefully to the words of The Magus…
(MICKEY) How would you describe this brand new project named The Magus to your loyal fanbase?
THE MAGUS is not a project. It is a full band. After NECROMANTIA’s finale and for some time, I did not have the urge to write anything. So after a long pause, one day I grabbed my bass again. And suddenly I felt this dark flame of creation getting bigger and powerful. The moment I decided to create something new I had everything in my mind in a chaotic form though: music direction, lyrics, concept, photos, cover. Every fucking thing was inside my head.
(MICKEY) Why the decision to call it quits with Yoth Iria, is it something you’ve been thinking about for a while or a sudden decision?
There are some differences of opinion with Jim, concerning the music direction and how he handles things in the band because YOTH IRIA is his child, I was just a step-father, LOL!. But in YOTH IRIA I was also adding to music and not just the lyrics. I already knew that I have to concentrate on THE MAGUS album. Therefore I decided to part ways with them in a friendly way. We are still friends, still in contact.
(MICKEY) Can you tell us something about the genesis, the recording and the production of Βυσσοδομώντας?
As I said above everything was inside me. El – our guitar player – was the person with whom we composed the whole music. Everything was starting wih some ideas of my own and then we took it from there, expanding, adding, mutating and transforming every riff, every melody. The important thing was that El understood and shared my vision in the general feeling of the album. Furthernore our drummer Maelstrom added his own stuff. And believe me, after he recorded his parts we had to change things on the guitars and bass to fit his brilliant ideas. My team for THE MAGUS is top notch! And if you add George Emannuel as a producer and sound engineer, all hell breaks loose.
(MICKEY) Can you explain the topics you developed in the lyrics of the album? And what is the exact meaning of the album title?
ΒΥΣΣΟΔΟΜΩΝΤΑΣ literally means “building in the depths” but in common language the term is used as “conspiring in the darkness”. The main idea is Lucifer’s disappontment on mankind. Therefore he is conspiring for the destruction of mankind and its rebirth from zero. You see I consider Lucifer a benefactor of mankind. He is pissed because mankind wasted all his precious gifts and became what it is today. I strongly believe that we are living in Apocalyptic times… The only songs who deviate from this idea is Ama Lilith which is a hymn to the grand dark female power in the cosmos, a power which can be creative and destructive at the same time and Give The Devil His Due because there is a very specific story behind it although we see an avenging Satan there too…
(MICKEY) Give the Devil his due is a definitely bizarre episode in a black metal album, yet we know blues is absolutely the music of the Devil! Can you share your thoughts about such an issue?
I am known for doing bizzare things. Remember the saxophone in early NECROMANTIA? I never hesitate to try things as long as they feed my artistic thirst. Believe me for us with plus 30 years of doing black metal it would be very easy to write some “true or commercial BM tunes” but we always try to walk our own path… Anyway the story behind the song is a classic “deal with the devil” thing but with a twist… The man who sold his soul is there for a nasty ending… This is the most theatrical song on the album and when your story starts in a New Orlean’s bar so a blues is a necessity. I am really grateful the way KING DUDE made his vocals. He fitted like a glove. In this song you can actually “listen” the whole evolutio of metal: from blues to hard rock, to heavy metal, to thrash… And in the end a fulll black metal blastbeat.
(MICKEY) What about the amazing artwork and the physical releases of Βυσσοδομώντας?
If we include the box also I used 4 different artists, plus our photographer Stella Mouzi. Harshanand Singh, Michal Karcz, Rizleydidthis and Zbigniew Bielak. Most of them are high profile artists who have worked with titanic bands and projects but they loved NECROMANTIA and were really supportive in adding their artwork! I am obliged to all of them!
(MICKEY) What can you tell us about your guest appearance at Sakis Tolis solo gig to perform a Thou Art Lord song? Which has been your feelings considering you are not that much into gigs, both as an artist and as a member of the audience?
I sang a THOU ART LORD song. A real thrashy black metal storm! Which is perfect for live shows! Sakis asked and of course I said yes because he is a good friend and music partner in TAL for many decades now. The feeling: I went out and spilled my guts and I enjoyed it. The audince seems to loved it too. To tell you the truth I went emotional when the band played Non Serviam. It reminded me when we were recording it in the studio long time ago…. When we were younger.
(MARCO) You have a career full of seminal records: you created Necromantia, you had the opportunity to play in the first Rotting Christ, Thou Art Lord, Yoth Iria and you have your solo career. You are a key figure of the Hellenic and Mediterranean black scene, and of the international metal scene. Assuming, however, that among our readers there is someone who doesn’t know your music, your art, if you had to recommend three records with which to get closer to you, which records would you choose and why?
Hmmmm… Scarlet Evil, Witching Black by NECROMANTIA because it was an album that we invested a lot of our soul for and it was way ahead of its time. DIABOLOS RISING’s 666 because it was my first non-metal experiment and THE MAGUS’ Vissodomontas because artistically it covers a lot of myself.
(MARCO) The early nineties saw the release of the debut albums of Necromantia, Rotting Christ, Varathron and Thou Art Lord. How would you describe that period and, why not, would you like to give us a little thought on each of those legendary debuts?
ROTTING CHRIST were kind the first of the unholy Greek black metal trident who broke the borders. Us and VARATHRON followed very shortly after. You know the thing back then it was that each one of us was trying to find its own identity. It was a very creative period and remember that not many bands around were playing BM. Us three, in our own way, we were of the first ones… We were at the beginning of the explosion of the extreme metal underground worldwide. Therefore our first releases are significant for the genre in a historical way. We paved the way – together with other bands of course – according to our own beliefs and values. Good or bad. Back then we did not realized it but now we understand we made history.
(MARCO) This is a difficult question, but I think a thought on Baron Blood is necessary, both for its artistic value and for the long journey you shared together…
With Baron Blood we embarked on a ship we called NECROMANTIA and together we sailed in uncharted waters. We faced storms, monsters, difficult moments but also rewarding feelings and gratitude. He will remain a big part of my life as a musician and as dear friend always….
(MICKEY) Which final message and greeting would you share with your Italian fans?
Support great music wherever it comes. Music from the heart and the soul. Like serpents from the depths we rise
Show your loyalty to THE MAGUS and buy original music exclusively: