Mental Cruelty: ascolta la nuova versione di “Symphony of a Dying Star”

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I MENTAL CRUELTY hanno pubblicato un nuovo singolo, estratto dalla nuova edizione digitale deluxe del loro ultimo album “Zwielicht”, in uscita il 13 dicembre. I fan possono ora ascoltare in streaming e guardare il visualizer di “Symphony of a Dying Star (Piano Version)”, con la partecipazione di Misstiq:
Il commento della band:
“Siamo entusiasti di presentare la versione rivisitata per pianoforte di ‘Symphony of a Dying Star’, splendidamente arrangiata dalla talentuosa MISSTIQ. Questa interpretazione chiude il cerchio, riportando la canzone alle sue origini come melodia per pianoforte, ma con un rinnovato senso di profondità ed emozione. Le qualità edificanti e cinematografiche del brano originale risplendono in questo arrangiamento, mostrando la capacità della canzone di entrare in contatto con gli ascoltatori a un livello più intimo. Il tocco magistrale di Misstiq infonde nuova vita alla composizione, permettendo al pianoforte di sostenere il peso della melodia e di rivelare sfumature che prima potevano risultare nascoste. Questa versione offre una prospettiva nuova, pur rimanendo fedele al cuore e all’anima della canzone.”
I MENTAL CRUELTY saranno in tour in Europa dalla prossima settimana in compagnia di Cradle of Filth, Butcher Babies e Black Satellite. Di seguito tutte le date tra cui una italiana:
EU Tour (w/ Cradle of Filth, Butcher Babies, Black Satellite):
11.11 – Cologne
13.11 – Hamburg
14.11 – Aarhaus
15.11 – Stockholm
16.11 – Gothenburg
18.11 – Prague
19.11 – Ljubljana
20.11 – Milan
22.11 – Barcelona
23.11 – Madrid
24.11 – Lisbon
26.11 – Bilbao
28.11 – Lyon
29.11 – Pratteln
30.11 – Vaureal
02.12 – Luxembourg
03.12 – Karlsruhe
04.12 – Berlin
05.12 – Amsterdam
07.12 – Liege
08.12 – Tilburg
Zwielicht (Deluxe Edition) will be available via Century Media Records on December 13!
Featuring 22 tracks, including all the original, instrumentals and beautifully reimagined orchestral and piano versions, Zwielicht (Deluxe Edition), is the perfect addition fans have been waiting for.
Artwork by Lewandowski with alternative deluxe logo
Across four releases, beginning with 2016’s Pereat Mundus EP, Mental Cruelty has woven together a violent tapestry of black metal, death metal, deathcore, and a madness of their very own. With 2021’s landmark LP, A Hill To Die Upon (Unique Leader), the German quintet not only set a new standard for themselves, but also the genre as a whole.
Rising from the ashes of personal and professional chaos, Mental Cruelty spent the first half of 2021 seeking out a voice to continue to cement them as an uncompromising force in the German metal scene. After locking in Lukas, the band (rounded out by guitarists Nahuel Lozano and Marvin Kessler, bassist Viktor Dick and drummer Danny Straßer) reemerged bloodied but unbowed, ready to continue their path to becoming an international force.
Armed with new vocalist Lukas Nicolai, Mental Cruelty usher in a new epoch of unlight and grim determination that’s at the heart of their album, Zwielicht (translated in English as “Twilight”). Once again working with producer and mixer Josh Schroeder (Lorna Shore, Ov Sulfur, Signs of the Swarm, The Browning), they’ve pushed their sound to new blacker intensities forged in emotional riffing, heavy “back to the roots” breakdowns, and epic orchestral arrangements that surpass the already elite standards that have become synonymous with their name.
Lukas Nicolai – vocals
Nahuel Lozano – guitars
Marvin Kessler – guitars
Viktor Dick – bass
Danny Straßer – drums