Nasty: ascolta la nuova versione di ‘Chaos’

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I NASTY pubblicano “Chaos (2023)”. Il brano è stato originariamente pubblicato su “Declaring War” del 2012, ora riregistrato e disponibile su tutte le piattaforme streaming, accompagnato da un visualizer video:
The band comments:
“Listening to this ‘Endzeit’ scenario Hardcore-Death banger is a pure energy boost, it’s the perfect tune to break all personal records!”
The aggro punk outfit toured Europe together with Dying Fetus, Cabal and their label mates Frozen Soul earlier this year. Make sure to catch them on one of the following shows:
30.06.-01.07.23 (FR) Rennes – Superbowl Of Hardcore
08.07.23 (BE) Ieper – Ieper Fest
28.-29.07.23 (DE) Hartenbergsee – Afdreiht Un Buten
16.-19.08.23 (DE) Dinkelsbühl – Summer Breeze
19.08.23 (DE) Hamburg, Elbriot
NASTY online: