Necrodeath: rivelata la tracklist della compilation tributo

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Black Tears Label news. Luglio 2017.
Rivelata la track list che andrà a comporre il CD tributo alla storica thrash metal band NECRODEATH. Di seguito la lista delle bands, già annunciate nella news precedente, in abbinamento ai brani scelti per il tributo, in uscita per BLACK TEARS / KULT OF CTHULHU a fine anno.
MALIGNANCE “Mater Tenebrarum”/ DEATH MECHANISM / “At the Mountains of Madness”/ KILLERS LODGE “The Creature” / NECROBREATH “Eucharistical Sacrifice” / E-FORCE “Master of Morphine” / SCHIZO “Enter my Subconscious” / HORNHAMMER “The Flag of the Inverted Cross” / FOG “Red as Blood” / DAMNATION GALLERY “At the Roots of Evil” / PATH OF SORROW “Smell of Blood” / SEPTEM “Process of Violation” / METRALLA “Thanatoid”.