Nightfall: il live video ufficiale di ‘Meteor Gods’

I Nightfall hanno pubblicato il live video ufficiale di ‘Meteor Gods‘, registrata ad Atene lo scorso novembre nel corso del ‘At Night We Play’. La band ellenica ha annunciato anche un EP dal vivo, intitolato “In the Temple of Ishtar”, in uscita il 22 luglio per Season Of Mist.
Greek blackened death metal masters NIGHTFALL are now premiering the official live video for the track ‘Meteor Gods‘ which was recorded during their live show ‘At Night We Play’ in Athens on November 2021. The band has furthermore announced the release of a live EP, ‘In the Temple of Ishtar‘ featuring two tracks of this show, which will be out on July 22, 2022 on all digital streaming platforms. Pre-save the EP HERE.
The track is taken from the band’s latest opus ‘At Night we Prey’ and is now streaming via the official Season of Mist YouTube channel HERE.
Vocalist Efthimis Karadimas comments: “This is Meteor Gods, live! NIGHTFALL had been away from stages for long time, as dedicated studio act exclusively. But no more! Not f***ing more! We now are in the process of reestablishing our old fame as a powerful live act, and this very video is exactly about that: The live experience. Together with Witches live video (recently uploaded in NIGHTFALL‘s official YouTube channel) leave no doubts about why you must catch us live! We are so much into delivering our music on stage, there’s nothing that could bring us down.”
The link may be freely spread throughout your channels. ‘At Night We Prey’ , an album about depression’s martyrdom and how societies mistreating and stigmatizing those who suffer, is out NOW and can be streamed, downloaded, and purchased HERE.
NIGHTFALL will release of a live EP, ‘In the Temple of Ishtar‘ featuring two tracks of this show, which will be out on July 22, 2022 on all digital streaming platforms. Find the cover art and tracklist of the EP below.
NIGHTFALL – ‘In the Temple of Ishtar’ Live EP
1. As Your God is Failing Once Again (Live) 04:38
2. Ishtar (Celebrate Your Beauty) (Live) 07:36
nightfallband Line-up
Efthimis Karadimas: Vocals
Mike Galiatsos: Guitar
Kostas Kyriakopoulos: Guitar
Fotis Benardo: Drum
Vasiliki Biza: Bass