
Novembre: pronto il nuovo album, uscita in primavera

Di Tiziano Marasco - 4 Dicembre 2015 - 21:38
Novembre: pronto il nuovo album, uscita in primavera

I nostrani Novembre hanno dichiarato, tramite profilo facebook, di aver quasi terminato i lavori al loro prossimo album. Secondo il post, il disco uscirà a primavera 2016, nessun altro dettaglio ufficiale.

Di seguito il comunicato

WE’RE ALMOST THERE!!! Recording, mixing and mastering are finally done BUT the whole process lasted longer than predicted. We wanted to make 100% sure it all sounded exactly how it should, and hey, it does!!!
So the release date is moved somewhere between March and April 2016.
No previews yet (sorry!) but Travis Smith finished what we consider to be one amongst his best piece of art EVER, jaws to the floor!!! So I guess more news will follow soon with the announcement of a VERY prestigious guest, a preview of the artwork and a studio report about this whole odyssey.
For our Italian fans who might have missed the news: MASSIMILIANO will perform in Rome soon. Links below

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