Oceans Of Slumber: il nuovo album “The Banished Heart”

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Gli Oceans Of Slumber, progressive metal band di Houston, sono orgogliosi di annunciare la data di pubblicazione del nuovo album “The Banished Heart”, in arrivo su Century Media Records il 2 marzo 2018.
La band ha annunciato due date per la presentazione del disco:2 marzo 2018 – Houston, TX (USA) – White Oak Music Hall3 marzo 2018 – New York, NY (USA) – St. Vitus BarA breve ulteriori dettagli.Singer Cammie Gilbert comments, “Guided by our resolve to only make music that is real to us, we explored a new depth and crawled deep inside ourselves to uncover what had been hiding and bring it out into the light. Sometimes in life there are places where we are able to turn away, to get away with applying the utilities of denial, but not this time. This time we forced ourselves to stay in that uncomfortable and terrifying place. To explore its vast and dark void in hopes of uncovering a better path out of it, not only for ourselves, but for all those familiar with that same dark place within themselves.”OCEANS OF SLUMBER mystify listeners with atmospheric melodies over darkened dynamics that range from the perversely sinister to the adventurously progressive, creating an undeniably epic wall of sound that has become the Texans’ trademark.OCEANS OF SLUMBER is:Cammie Gilbert – VocalsAnthony Contreras – GuitarSean Gary – GuitarKeegan Kelly – BassDobber Beverly – DrumsOCEANS OF SLUMBER online: