Oceans Of Slumber: pubblicata la cover di ‘Strange Fruit’

Comunicato stampa (Century Media Records Italy):
OCEANS OF SLUMBER – pubblicano la cover di “Strange Fruit”Gli OCEANS OF SLUMBER presentano oggi la loro versione di “Strange Fruit”, brano originariamente scritto da Abel Meeropol e reso famoso dalle jazz women Nina Simone e Billie Holiday. Il singolo è accompagnato da un video, filmato nel mese di febbraio in occasione del Afro-american History Month: https://youtu.be/
g6hgSOj_Go4 Gli OCEANS OF SLUMBER hanno recentemente finito le registrazioni del nuovo album e lo annunceranno nelle prossime settimane.
Oceans of Slumber’s Cammie Gilbert has the following to say: “To overcome atrocity we must first acknowledge the crime. We must acknowledge that when actions go wrong they send a jagged line down the seam of history, corrupting our interactions, and marring our hearts. No one’s perspective can change the experience of another. No one’s modern resolve can undo the pain that was caused. History is challenging, history is frustrating, and history can be very depressing. But history provides us lessons for the present, and hopefully guidance for the future. It teaches us to combine our voices in the name of love, to strive against divisiveness becoming our nature, to uphold and help one another, so that never again does strange fruit hang from the poplar tree. Together we strive to perpetuate love by working together to unravel the hurt. Together we are strong, and together we can overcome anything.”
Cammie Gilbert – Vocals
Jessie Santos – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Alexander Lucian – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Semir Ozerkan – Bass Guitar
Dobber – Drums, Piano/Synths
Mat Aleman – KeyboardOCEANS OF SLUMBER online: