Origin: pubblicato ‘Infestation’, brano tratto dal nuovo album risalente alle origini della band

È online ‘Infestation’, pezzo facente parte del prossimo album dei technical death metaller statunitensi Origin, intitolato “Abiogenesis – A Coming Into Existence”, uscito lo scorso 3 marzo via Agonia Records. Il branoo è stato originariamente composto prima della stessa formazione degli Origin e rielaborato per il nuovo album, prossimamente disponibile nei formati CD, LP e Digital Download.
“Abiogenesis – A Coming Into Existence” tracklist:
01. Insanity*
02. Mauled**
03. Autopsied Alive**
04. Spastic Regurgitation*
05. Bleed as Me*
06. Mind Asylum*
07. Infestation*
08. Murderer**
“A Coming Into Existence”
09. Lethal Mainpulation the bone crusher chronicles***
10. Sociocide***
11. Manimal Instincts***
12. Inner Reflections The Pain from Within***
* Necrotomy (pre-Origin) 1990-91.
**Thee Abomination (pre-Origin) 1992-93.
*** Origin 1997-98.
Origin lineup:
Paul Ryan — Guitars, Vocals (additional) (1997-present)
See also: ex-Murder Construct, ex-Necrotomy, ex-The Abomination
John Longstreth — Drums (1999-2003, 2006-present)
See also: Crator, Dim Mak, Hate Eternal (live), ex-Malicious Intent, ex-Possession, ex-Gorguts, ex-Skinless, ex-Unmerciful, ex-Dying Fetus (live), ex-Exhumed (live), ex-The Red Chord, ex-Angelcorpse
Mike Flores — Bass (2001-present), Vocals (additional) (2008-present)
See also: Troglodyte, ex-Gorgasm
Jason Keyser — Vocals (2011-present)
See also: Crator, Hollow World (live), ex-Detriment, ex-Skinless, ex-Ingested (live), ex-Psycroptic (live), ex-Mucopus
Origin online: