Periphery: a marzo il nuovo LP “Periphery V: Djent Is Not a Genre”

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Basterebbe citare qualche dato per capire da subito lo status dei Periphery: una nomination ai GRAMMY-Awards, gli ultimi quattro album nella Top 25 della Billboard’s album charts nella settimana di rilascio e Rolling Stone US che li ha definiti “generation of noodly virtuosos with a love of the unconventional”. Da tutto ciò (e non solo) prende il via il loro 2023, che si aprirà con “Periphery V: Djent is Not a Genre”, nuovo album previsto per il 10 marzo e che verrà pubblicato dalla loro etichetta, 3DOT Recordings.
“We spent more time on Periphery V than any other release in our history” spiega Mark Holcomb “We challenged and pushed ourselves harder, and along the way we grew even closer as a band. We are so proud of the final results! I also wanted to mention how exceedingly grateful we are to our fans for being so patient in waiting for this record. We wanted to show our appreciation by giving you two songs today instead of one. We have a very busy 2023 and 2024 planned so we’ll see you on the road!”. I due brani menzionati sono “Wildfire” e “Zagreus” entrambi disponibili QUI.
Misha Mansoor fa da eco a quanto appena espresso da Holcomb: “I’m really proud of the material and it was certainly a labor of love and a tough album to make. The feeling that we were going to have to give up because it kept taking so long was so overwhelming at times, that to not just overcome it, but to feel so proud of this album has really galvanized us as a band in a way that I don’t think any other experience could have”.
Il disco è stato prodotto dalla band, con Adam “Nolly” Getgood al basso in alcune canzoni e al mixing. Jørgen Munkeby è presente al sax in “Wildfire”.
Periphery have released five albums since 2010: Periphery (2010), Periphery II: This Time It’s Personal (2012), the two part Juggernaut: Alpha and Juggernaut: Omega (2015), Periphery III: Select Difficulty (2016), Periphery IV: Hail Stan (2019). Over their career they have received two GRAMMY-Award nominations and have graced the covers of several magazines, including Guitar World, Revolver, Modern Drummer, and Bass Player. The band continue to explore avenues outside of their core work with Periphery, both with numerous side projects (Bulb, Haunted Shores, Four Seconds Ago, King Mothership, etc.), partnerships with various instrument companies, the creation of GetGood Drums (software libraries featuring drum and guitar packs), and an in-person camping experience with clinics (Periphery Summer Jam).