Revocation: tour europeo con Archspire, Soreption e Rivers Of Nihil; una data in Italia

I Revocation hanno annunciato le date del loro prossimo tour europeo, che avrà come band di supporto Archspire, Soreption e Rivers Of Nihil. Una serata anche in Italia:
28.11.18 Germany Berlin @ Badehaus
29.11.18 Denmark Aarhus @ Voxhall
30.11.18 Germany Hannover @ Chez Heinz
01.12.18 Germany Dresden @ Puschkin
02.12.18 Poland Poznan @ U Bazyla
03.12.18 Czech Rep Brno @ Melodka
04.12.18 Austria Vienna @ Viper Room
05.12.18 Slovenia Ljubljana @ Orto Bar
06.12.18 Germany München @ Backstage
07.12.18 Italy Milano @ Circolo Svolta
08.12.18 Switzerland Aarau @ Kiff
09.12.18 France Marseille @ Jas Rod
10.12.18 Spain Barcelona @ Razzmatazz 2
11.12.18 Spain Madrid @ Caracol
12.12.18 Portugal Porto @ Hard Club
13.12.18 Spain Bilbao @ Stage Live
14.12.18 France Pau @ l’Ampli
15.12.18 France Paris @ Petit Bain
16.12.18 UK London @ Underworld
17.12.18 UK Birmingham @ Mama Roux
18.12.18 UK Bristol @ The Fleece
19.12.18 UK Manchester @ Rebellion
20.12.18 Belgium Brussels @ Magasin 4
21.12.18 Netherlands Nijmegen @ Doornroosje
22.12.18 Germany Essen @ Turock