Savatage: un messaggio di Jon Oliva svelerebbe che la band stia preparando un nuovo album

Dopo più di 15 anni i Savatage sembrano essere di nuovo attivi. Questa notizia è stata lanciata da Sandi McGinnis Duran, che afferma di essere un amico di Jon Oliva e ha trasmesso il seguente messaggio scritto dallo stesso cantante su due gruppi Facebook dedicati ai Savatage:
“This is Jon Oliva speaking to all the people in the SAVATAGE groups first of all I would like to really thank you all for being fans of the band and hanging in there believe me I’ve been hanging in there too there are many surprises coming up we ain’t done yet I wish I could disclose some of them to you but I’ll probably get sued or some stupid s*** like that we’re working on new material we’re getting things together just be a little patient which I know you guys have been for a hundred years I love you all thank you so much for your support it ain’t over until it’s over Yogi Berra said that great baseball player I’m getting off of this subject we’re also working on a new TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA record and that’s going really well we are working on new SAVA material all is good I love all you guys thank you so much God bless you all.”