
Sólstafir: guarda il video del nuovo singolo “Hin Helga Kvöl”

Di Daniele D'Adamo - 12 Giugno 2024 - 18:11
Sólstafir: guarda il video del nuovo singolo “Hin Helga Kvöl”

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SÓLSTAFIR hanno recentemente annunciato l’ingresso nella famiglia Century Media Records. Da oggi è disponibile il nuovo singolo “Hin Helga Kvöl”:

Il video è stato diretto da Karl Ágúst Guðmundsson di Polarama.

Il commento del chitarrista e cantante Aðalbjörn Tryggvason:
“È una canzone sulla morte. Si tratta della consapevolezza che morirete prima o poi e sarete consciamente testimoni della fine del vostro mondo. È la propria idea personale di Ragnarök – o Armageddon. Cosa succede dopo? Rinasciamo o siamo semplicemente cibo per i vermi…”

I SÓLSTAFIR saranno in tour in Europa dal mese di novembre con il “Nordic Descent Tour 2024”. Di seguito tutte le date tra cui una italiana:
Flying Fox AB and Doomstar Bookings proudly present:
Nordic Descent Tour 2024
Oranssi Pazuzu
13. – 24.11.: Hamferð
26.11. – 9.12.: HELGA

13.11.24 (NL) Groningen – Oosterpoort
14.11.24 (NL) Nijmegen – Doornroosje
15.11.24 (NL) Maastricht – Muziekgieterij
16.11.24 (BE) Brussels – Botanique
17.11.24 (DE) Bielefeld – Forum
19.11.24 (FR) Lille – Splendid
20.11.24 (UK) Brighton    Concorde 2
21.11.24 (UK) Manchester – Club Academy
22.11.24 (IRE) Dublin – Opium
23.11.24 (UK) Glasgow – Queen Margaret Union
24.11.24 (UK) London – Electric Brixon
26.11.24 (FR) Paris – La Machine Du Moulin Rouge
27.11.24 (FR) Rennes – Antipode
28.11.24 (FR) Toulouse – Metronum
29.11.24 (ES) Pamplona – Totem
30.11.24 (ES) Madrid – Sala Mon
01.12.24 (ES) Barcelona – Razzmatazz 2
03.12.24 (IT) Milano – Alcatraz
04.12.24 (CH) Pratteln – Z7
05.12.24 (DE) München – Technikum
06.12.24 (AT) Vienna – Simm City
07.12.24 (PL) Warsaw – Proxima
08.12.24 (DE) Leipzig – Täubchental
09.12.24 (DE) Berlin – Metropol

SÓLSTAFIR are no strangers to the music world with their 20+ years of performing across the Globe as they consistently amaze audiences with their hearts on their sleeves from the first note. With a full catalog of truly exceptional timeless hits to perform, as well as some much-anticipated new music, the atmospheric Icelandic rock n’roll sound that is uniquely SÓLSTAFIR always delivers to those who bear witness to their epic sets that take you on a journey through the ice and snow, fire and lava and breathtaking soundscapes of their homeland.

Special guests on this tour, are none other than Finland’s own Oranssi Pazuzu, to support their forthcoming album to be released on Nuclear Blast Records, also later this year.
From November 13th – November 24th, Hamferð from the Faroe Islands will open the evening with their haunting tales of doom that take the listener on a rollercoaster of emotions. This will be their first tour in support of their latest gem, “Men Guðs hond er sterk”, out March 22nd on Metal Blade Records.
From November 26th – December 9th, Season of Mist Records artists HELGA will take over as support. Originally hailing from Dalarna, Sweden HELGA’s sound conjures visions of forests and nature in a magical blend of heaviness with a subtle dash of prog while combining both the Swedish and English language to the text.

The unique part of this package is that each of these bands sing in their native languages which offers a chance to truly immerse oneself into the music and the performance.
SÓLSTAFIR comments on the tour: “We are coming back with long shows, new songs, and old pearls. Ever since we played with Oranssi Pazuzu in Transylvania back in 2012 we have been fans of them, so we are very happy to be taking them on the road with us. Joining us as well, are our friends in Hamferð who we played with in their home country back in 2013. Hamferð will, and the other half will be our newest friends in HELGA.”

Aðalbjörn Tryggvason – Guitar, vocals
Svavar Austmann – Bass
Hallgrímur Jón Hallgrímsson – Drums, backing vocals
Sæþór Maríus Sæþórsson – Guitar
