Spiritworld: tornano con il nuovo singolo “Western Stars & The Apocalypse”

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Da Las Vegas, Nevada, gli SPIRITWORLD presentano il loro nuovo singolo “Western Stars & The Apocalypse”:
Un’esplosione di metallic hardcore della durata di 2 minuti, intrisa dell’occultismo del vecchio West tipico degli SpiritWorld, “Western Stars & The Apocalypse” è la prima registrazione della band dopo l’uscita dell’acclamato secondo album, “Deathwestern” del 2022. Il brano è stato registrato e mixato dal produttore di lunga data degli SpiritWorld Sam Pura e masterizzato da Alberto de Icaza (King Crimson, Clutch).
Diretto dal collaboratore di Rob Zombie, Balázs Gróf, il video musicale ufficiale di “Western Stars & The Apocalypse” è una clip animata che porta in vita in modo giocoso lo strano universo degli SpiritWorld, un luogo in cui si scontrano l’orrore soprannaturale di H.P. Lovecraft e il pulp western di Louis L’Amour. Il cartone animato infernale di Gróf presenta varie bestie cosmiche, fiumi di sangue e l’alter ego animato del cantante Stu Folsom che fa twerking su una tomba.
Il commento di Stu Folsom:
“Ho scritto ‘Western Stars & The Apocalypse’ subito dopo l’uscita di Deathwestern, quando siamo tornati a casa dal tour in Europa con gli Agnostic Front, stavo rivisitando molto Bob Dylan nella mia cuccetta durante quel tour e c’è un cenno alla sua canzone ‘Desolation Row’ nel testo.
Mi piace molto il lavoro di Gróf e l’ho lasciato libero con la canzone. È un viaggio strano, spettrale e animato attraverso gli inferi!”.
“Western Stars & The Apocalypse” è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme digitali: https://Spiritworld.lnk.to/
Vegas native Folsom has been building the SpiritWorld universe for several years now, creating a macabre world where metal, punk, and country-western music meld into one infernal ruckus that transcends the norm. Raised on a mix of George Jones, Slayer and 7 Seconds, Folsom has stated, “I am making the records that I long to hear and I know they will land somehow in the arms of loners, outcasts and working-class folks like me who need them.”
More than a musician, Folsom is an author too, and SpiritWorld’s music goes hand in hand with Folsom’s writings. Debut album Pagan Rhythms and sophomore album Deathwestern are soundtracks to Folsom’s first published book, Godlessness. Set in a fictional Old West, Godlessness’ short stories follow an unlikely group of cowpunchers, a bounty hunter, a depraved necrophiliac preacher, and a small band of Comanches, as they do battle with demonic forces.
The confidence of Folsom’s vision, paired with the immediate mosh pit gratification of SpiritWorld’s sound, caught the eyes and ears of powerhouse label Century Media, who signed the band in 2021, reissued Pagan Rhythms, and unleashed the follow up, Deathwestern. Upon its release, Stereogum described Deathwestern as “a gory symphony that owes as much to Slayer as Cormac McCarthy” and provided this context: “The Las Vegas metallic hardcore band’s preposterously awesome new album presents a fully formed aesthetic — a whole fleshed-out universe of pulpy sonic violence inspired by Westerns, horror, outlaw country, the occult, and the heavy metal classics of the late 20th century… The world-building expands beyond the music into exceptionally gnarly music videos, a companion short story collection by Folsom, and live shows that see the band donning Western suits and cowboy hats. This obscenely fun and fascinating project did not come out of nowhere. It’s more like the grand culmination of a creative vision that has been evolving for years.”
Similarly, Revolver reported: “SpiritWorld’s riffs are impeccable, their moshy grooves are sumptuous and their scabrous-yet-singable vocal chants are irresistible. Musically, the Las Vegas crew are outstanding, but what makes them one of the most thrilling new acts on the scene is all of their extra-musical elements. Their cinematic cowboy outfits, the Wild West lore in their songs, their off-the-wall music videos — all of it feels more like a multi-disciplinary art project than a mere metal band.”
With “Western Stars & The Apocalypse” now streaming, the world gets its first taste of SpiritWorld’s next phase. 2025 promises to be stacked with new action as Folsom carries this enthralling project forward into its next era. When asked about where it is all heading, Folsom replies simply: “Straight to hell, my friend. Straight to hell.”