Suidakra: tracklist di ‘Book Of Dowth’

Rivelata la tracklist di “Book Of Dowth”, nuovo album dei tedeschi Suidakra le cui registrazioni prenderanno il via a fine mese presso i Gernhart Studio a Siegburg.
‘Over Nine Waves’
‘Dowth 2059’
‘Biróg’s Oath’
‘Mag Mell’
‘The Dark Mound’
‘Stone Of The Seven Suns’
‘Fury Fomoraigh’
‘Otherworlds Collide’
‘Dowth 2059’
‘Biróg’s Oath’
‘Mag Mell’
‘The Dark Mound’
‘Stone Of The Seven Suns’
‘Fury Fomoraigh’
‘Otherworlds Collide’