Sword: nuovo album nel 2022

Gli Sword annunciano di aver siglato un accordo con Massacre Records, che pubblicherà il terzo album nel 2022. La band canadese, formata da Rick Hughes alla voce, Mike Plant alla chitarra, Mike Larock al basso e Dan Hughes alla batteria, si era riunita nel 2011. Precedentemente il gruppo aveva pubblicato “Metalized” nel 1986 e “Sweet Dreams” nel 1988.
https://spoti.fi/3l2e1h2Photo Credit: Richard Chartrand (photo in this newsletter edited by Massacre Records)
Band bio:
Formed in 1980 in Montreal, Sword released their debut album Metalized in 1986 described as; Aggressive, Melodic, Loud and Rude. And to which Kerrangs Mark Putterford said; “My eyes are a painful shade of purple. My ears are ringing tortuously. My mouth is awash with blood and broken teeth, I’ve just been ten rounds with a Montreal mob called Sword. “
They were hand-picked by Metallica to open the Quebec leg of the Master of puppets tour, Alice Cooper’s Canadian Return of the nightmare tour and then crisscrossed the UK with the Mighty Lemmy on Motorhead’s Rock’n’roll tour.
It was followed by the Heavy but diverse Sweet Dreams in 1988.
After a short US tour promoting the album, they started work on their 3rd album. All hell broke loose and a parting of ways ensued… Until 2011, when they reunited for a few select shows in Canada and Germany and found the urge to go back in the studio to finish where they had left off.