30 ottobre 2020 i progressive rocker
THE FLOWER KINGS pubblicheranno il nuovo doppio album
“Islands”, su
Inside Out Music. La band presenta il video del terzo singolo
“Morning Views”:
Disponibile anche il video del precedente singolo “From The Ground”:
Con la sua epica durata di 92 minuti il nuovo album “Islands” offre tutti quei tratti distintivi sonori e melodici che han reso famosa la band nel corso degli anni, tastiere vintage, assoli splendidi, contorte linee di batteria ed elementi sinfonici.
L’artwork è stato curato dal leggendario Roger Dean (Yes, Asia, Gentle Giant, Greenslade, Uriah Heep) ed è disponibile di seguito assieme alla tracklist di “Islands”:

Disc One (49:40)
1. Racing With Blinders On (4:24)
2. From The Ground (4.02)
3. Black Swan (5:53)
4. Morning News (4:01)
5. Broken (6:38)
6. Goodbye Outrage (2:19)
7. Journeyman (1:43)
8. Tangerine (3:51)
9. Solaris (9:10)
10. Heart Of The Valley (4:18)
11. Man In A Two Peace Suit (3:21)
Disc Two (43:01)
1. All I Need Is Love (5:48)
2. A New Species (5:45)
3. Northern Lights (5:43)
4. Hidden Angles (0:50)
5. Serpentine (3:52)
6. Looking For Answers (4:30)
7. Telescope (4:41)
8. Fool’s Gold (3:11)
9. Between Hope & Fear (4:29)
10. Islands (4:12)
“Islands” sarà pubblicato in formato 3LP&2CD box set, Limited Edition 2CD Digipak e digitale. Il preorder è già attivo e disponibile a questo link:
Roine Stolt comments: “When the world shut down – all shows at risk, or cancelled, we found a way out of the pandemonium & panic by doing what we do best. Write music and record it!
There was already so many great songs & ideas in stock that just needed work and some love & perfecting.
The plan was to write and record a very ‘intuitive & inclusive’ album where we could be free to do any style to fit in a multicolour tapestry.
‘Morning News’ was an acoustic piece that was a natural choice – sort of a simple McCartney style acoustic song – that needed little or no wall of sounds.
The song is about a beautiful end, realization and acceptance of our own mortality.”

(photo credit: Lillian Forsberg)
Roine Stolt – Vocal, Ukulele, Guitars, Additional Keyboards
Hasse Fröberg – Vocal & Acoustic Guitar
Jonas Reingold – Bass, Acoustic Guitar
Zach Kamins – Pianos, Organ, Synthesizers, Mellotron, Orchestrations
Mirko DeMaio – Drums, Percussion
Guest: Rob Townsend – Soprano Saxophone