
The Haunted: i dettagli del nuovo album, guarda il video del primo singolo “Warhead”

Di Daniele D'Adamo - 26 Marzo 2025 - 9:00
The Haunted: i dettagli del nuovo album, guarda il video del primo singolo “Warhead”

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I pionieri del thrash metal svedese THE HAUNTED sono tornati con il botto! Dopo otto lunghi anni dall’uscita del loro ultimo e acclamato album “Strength in Numbers”, i THE HAUNTED sono lieti di annunciare il loro decimo e nuovo album intitolato “Songs of Last Resort”, che sarà pubblicato in tutto il mondo il 30 maggio 2025 tramite l’etichetta partner di lunga data Century Media Records.
L’album è stato registrato da Oscar Nilsson allo Studio Bohus con unica eccezione per le voci principali registrate da Björn Strid al The Cellar Studio.”Songs of Last Resort” è stato successivamente mixato e masterizzato da Jens Bogren ai Fascination Street Studios (Kreator, Arch Enemy, Sepultura, ecc.). L’artwork è stato realizzato ancora una volta da Andreas “Diaz” Pettersson.

THE HAUNTED – “Songs of Last Resort” (40:33):
1. Warhead (03:39)
2. In Fire Reborn (03:18)
3. Death to the Crown (02:56)
4. To Bleed Out (04:29)
5. Unbound (03:34)
6. Hell is Wasted on the Dead (02:53)
7. Through the Fire (03:01)
8. Collateral Carnage (04:03)
9. Blood Clots (01:30)
10. Salvation Recalled (03:26)
11. Labyrinth of Lies (03:30)
12. Letters of Last Resort (04:06)

“Songs of Last Resort” sarà pubblicato nei formati Ltd. CD Mediabook & Poster (con la bonus track “Feeding the Furnace” (02:32)), Standard CD Jewelcasedigitale e in alcune varianti per il formato LP:
– Black LP & Poster (Unlimited)
– Ltd. transp. red LP & Poster (500x copies, available from & various other retailers)
– Ltd. transp. petrol green LP & Poster (300x copies, available from various retailers in Europe)

È inoltre disponibile il primo estratto da “Songs of Last Resort”, il video di “Warhead”, diretto da Patric Ullaeus / (In Flames, Arch Enemy, Dimmu Borgir, etc.):

Il commento del cantante Marco Aro:
“Questo è il primo singolo del nostro nuovo album “Songs of Last Resort”. La canzone si chiama “Warhead” ed è una dichiarazione aggressiva sugli orrori assoluti del mondo in cui siamo costretti a vivere!”.

THE HAUNTED’s guitarist Jensen elaborated further about the “Warhead” single as follows: “When writing this song, I knew that we were on to writing a good album. The main riff came to me at work, and I had to take the afternoon off that day to immediately get it recorded and worked on while the inspiration from this one riff was still creating goosebumps. Lyrics are about various people in charge being “war heads”, thriving in one way or another off of waging war. The intro sound fx were created together with Örjan Örnkloo (ex Misery Loves Company, who also performs on ‘To Bleed Out’ and the title track ‘Letters of Last Resort’). I think it’s not a stretch to say that this song stand a real chance of becoming a fixture of our live set for many years to come…”.

Make sure not to miss these already confirmed upcoming live-appearances by THE HAUNTED…

06.06.2025 Reichenbach (Germany) – Chronical Moshers Open Air
05.07.2025 Kalmar (Sweden) – Metal Theatre
25.07.2025 Wasa (Finland) – Kaaos Festival
04.10.2025 Athens (Greece) – Gagarin 205
01.11.2025 Vara (Sweden) – Vara in Rock
07.11.2025 Umeå (Sweden) – House of Metal
09.11.2025 Manchester (UK) – Damnation Festival
More shows are yet to be announced…

And stay tuned for further news on THE HAUNTED and “Songs of Last Resort” coming soon…

THE HAUNTED line-up:
Ola Englund – rhythm & lead guitar
Jonas Björler – bass, backing vocals
Marco Aro – lead vocals
Adrian Erlandsson – drums
Jensen – rhythm guitar