The HU: a settembre il nuovo album, online il video di ‘Black Thunder’, da ottobre il tour europeo

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La rock band mongola The HU ha annunciato i dettagli del suo atteso nuovo album “Rumble of Thunder”, in uscita il 2 settembre via Better Noise Music. La band ha inoltre pubblicato un nuovo video tratto dal singolo “Black Thunder”.
Il secondo capitolo discografico della band includerà 12 tracce, con il primo singolo eco-consapevole “This Is Mongol”, che vanta oltre un milione di streams in meno di due mesi. Parlando invece del nuovo brano “Black Thunder”, incorpora appieno i valori mongoli raccontando di battaglie, fede e morte.
La loro nuova musica è stata registrata nella loro terra natale, la Mongolia, dopo che il loro album di debutto “The Gereg” è arrivato al numero 1 della classifica World Album e Top New Artist nella sua prima settimana di uscita.
I The HU arriveranno in Europa a ottobre per un tour che li vedrà protagonisti anche in Italia con una data all’Alcatraz di Milano il 13 novembre. Continua a scorrere per leggere il comunicato.
Vocalist Gala shared: “’Black Thunder’ is the crown jewel of our second album. The music video is split into two parts and conveys the core values of men through visuals. Our producer Dashka chose a unique location in Mongolia to shoot the video, where we had a great time riding the horses in the vast grassland of our countryside. We hope that our pride in our culture shines through, as we aimed to bring viewers joy and a piece of our culture through this video.” Speaking on their next studio album, he continued, “Our second album will include ‘Black Thunder’, along with many new songs. We can’t wait for you to listen and enjoy it as much as we enjoyed recording it”.
The HU’s previous music video for “This Is Mongol” was set in the Mojave Desert and highlighted their unique core values of natural preservation and spiritual connection with the earth. The video for “Black Thunder” also features an epic backdrop, this time in Mongolia. Directed by Erdenebileg Ganbold and producer Dashka, the video is action packed, taking the viewers through battle and a funeral procession ritual.
This summer, The HU will hit stages across North America, as they head out on tour with Megadeth, Five Finger Death Punch, and Fire From The Gods, promising concert-goers an intense multi-faceted night of heavy rock music. They will then bring their brand-new Black Thunder Tour to Europe later this year, starting in Oslo, Norway on 26 Oct.The HU – EU 2022 Tour Dates:
26 Oct – Oslo, Norway / Sentrum Scene
28 Oct – Stockholm, Sweden / Fryshuset Arenan
29 Oct – Gothenburg, Sweden / Gothenburg Film Studio
31 Oct – Copenhagen, Denmark / The Grey Hall
1 Nov – Aarhus, Denmark / Train
3 Nov – Berlin, Germany / Metropol
4 Nov – Gdansk, Poland / B90
5 Nov – Warsaw, Poland / Progresja
7 Nov – Krakow, Poland / Studio
8 Nov – Budapest, Hungary / Akvarium
9 Nov – Vienna, Austria / Gasometer
11 Nov – Prague, Czech Republic / Mala Sportovni Hala
12 Nov – Zurich, Switzerland / Volkshaus
13 Nov – Milan, Italy / Alcatraz
15 Nov – Lyon, France / Transbordeur
17 Nov – Madrid, Spain / La Paqui
18 Nov – Barcelona, Spain / Salamandra
20 Nov – Toulouse, France / Le Bikini
21 Nov – Brussels, Belgium / Ancienne Belgique
22 Nov – Tilburg, Netherlands / 013
24 Nov – Cologne, Germany / Live Music Hall
25 Nov – Paris, France / Casino de Paris
27 Nov – Amsterdam, Netherlands / Melkweg (Max)For further info on tickets: “Rumble of Thunder”
- This is Mongol
- YUT Hövende
- Triangle
- Teach Me
- Upright Destined Mongol
- Sell The World
- Black Thunder
- Mother Nature
- Bii Biyelgee
- Segee
- Shihi Hutu
- TATAR Warrior