Toxik: due brani inediti per Natale

Gli storici thrasher statunitensi Toxik hanno rilasciato nel giorno di Natale due succose anticipazioni del nuovo album, previsto per il prossimo anno. Si tratta dei brani “Crooked Crosses” e “Too Late”, già presenti nelle setlist del recente tour mondiale, che trovate di seguito.
Questo il comunicato della band:
2014 WAS AN AMAZING YEAR FOR TOXIK!!!! And there’s big news coming for 2015 but as a token of our appreciation and also as a gesture of how much we appreciated all the Support, friendship and love we’ve been lucky enough to receive … we are offering up two previously unreleased songs. “Too Late” and “Crooked Crosses” Both Feature Mike Sanders on Vocals, Josh Christian on Guitars, Jason Bittner on Drums and William Bodily on Bass… These tracks were mixed and mastered by Tom Morris of Morrisound.
Share these and help Keep the scene strong by coming to shows and buying the albums when they come out!!!! SEE YOU IN 2015
Buone feste e buon ascolto!