Unprocessed: guarda il nuovo video di ‘Candyland’

Gli Unprocessed hanno lanciato il video di ‘Candyland’, che trovate di seguito. La band attualmente sta lavorando al nuovo album, previsto per il 2022.
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Unprocessed rappresentano una nuova generazione di gruppi con un incredibile talento musicale. Una nuova band che in poco tempo si è affermata nel panorama heavy europeo grazie alla capacità di creare un genere del tutto personale: con un mix futuristico di virtuosismo alt metal e atmosfere dark elettronica.
Nel video che accompagna il singolo, gli Unprocessed entrano in un mondo pastello, da cui inesorabilmente emerge una realtà oscura.
Release: July 23rd 2021Cute boys who like to shred – Unprocessed represent a whole new generation of highly musically talented bands: In record time, they’ve gained a reputation as one of the most exciting and individual newcomers in the European heavy scene. A genuinely extraordinary group that has created a genre all of its own, with its futuristic hybrid mix of virtuosic alternative metal and darkly atmospheric electronica. Following millions of streams, the four-piece are now releasing their new single, on which Unprocessed have dramatically developed their vision of a contemporary, trend-setting signature sound!
After forming the band in 2014, singer and guitarist Manuel Gardner Fernandes, David Levy (bass, synthesizer), Christoph Schultz (guitar) and Leon Pfeifer (drums) opened for acts like Animals As Leaders and TesseracT, and performed at renowned festivals like Summer Breeze and Brutal Assault, before releasing the highly-acclaimed album “Artificial Void” in 2019, including the singles “Abandoned” and “Fear”, which together have racked up millions of hits on YouTube. Unprocessed received a further boost in popularity with their single “Real (feat. Polyphia’s Tim Henson & Clay Gober)” and their last single “Deadrose”. Total streams of their releases to date clock in at more than 10 million. On their social media channels, Unprocessed maintain a special connection with their fanbase, with the band regularly providing hotly-debated online tutorials. Their community has already grown to more than 300k Instagram subscribers.
Unprocessed reject all limitations, combining technically challenging instrumentals with metal-influenced alternative rock and futuristic pop influences to create an innovative and unmistakable hybrid style, showcased by the band to great effect on new single “Candyland”: With complex guitar riffs, elements of modern electronica, a pop-style hook and the instantly recognisable vocals of frontman Manuel Gardner Fernandes, the quartet has created its very own “Candyland” – and everyone’s invited.
Boyband reimagined – In the accompanying music video, Unprocessed enter a pastel-coloured world, from which dark reality inexorably emerges: “‘Candyland’ is a tragic story of hope, unconditional love and, ultimately, the sobering disillusionment of a childlike naivety. What first appears as a colourful Candyland soon turns out to be grim reality. Musically, “Candyland” is the bridge between our roots and the modern pop world,” says lead singer Manuel Gardner Fernandez of the new single.
The band is currently working on their next album, planned for early 2022, and are also confirmed for the Rock am Ring & Rock im Park festivals in 2022.