W.A.S.P.: completata con successo l’operazione alla schiena per Blackie Lawless

Il frontman e leader dei W.A.S.P., Blackie Lawless, ha completato con successo l’operazione alla schiena per sistemare due ernie del disco e una vertebra rotta. L’annuncio è arrivato dallo stesso Lawless tramite social.
I just got out my back surgery earlier today and all is good, the surgery was a big success! The Dr. said he was very pleased and the results were great. Now to get some rest. Thank you to everyone for all the support. – Blackie Lawless#waspnation #wasp #blackielawless #hardroc pic.twitter.com/7uF8q7SuGK
— W.A.S.P. Nation (@WASPOfficial) August 11, 2023