Warrel Dane (Nevermore): Century Media Records pubblica l’ultima registrazione dell’artista

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WARREL DANE – Century Media Records pubblica l’ultima registrazione dell’artista
Il 13 dicembre dello scorso anno l’intera comunità metal ha subito la grande perdita di una delle voci più vere e uniche di sempre, di un compositore eccelso e prima di ogni altra cosa di uno splendido essere umano, il cantante dei Nevermore e Sanctuary, WARREL DANE. L’artista è venuto a mancare per colpa di un attacco cardiaco durante il periodo delle registrazioni del secondo album solista assieme alla sua touring band.
L’album è stato messo in stand-by fino ad oggi, Century Media Records ha infatti deciso di pubblicare “Shadow Work” il 26 ottobre 2018. L’album è stato registrato presso gli Orra Meu Studios di San Paolo; sono state utilizzate sia parti vocali già registrate che materiale di preproduzione ed è a tutti gli effetti l’ultima opera di Warrel Dane.
“Shadow Work” sarà pubblicato in Special Edition CD Mediabook con booklet di 44 pagine, LP+CD con booklet di 12 pagine e in digitale. Ogni canzone è accompagnata da un’illustrazione curata da Travis Smith così come l’artwork stesso come personale tributo a Warrel.
Disponibile il malinconico artwork e la tracklist:
- Ethereal Blessing
- Madame Satan
- Disconnection System
- As Fast as the Others
- Shadow Work
- The Hanging Garden (The Cure cover)
- Rain
- Mother is the Word for God
“We are looking forward to release these 40 minutes of music in October. We and many other workmates at Century Media Records have known Warrel for years, have been through thick and thin, and are fans of his art just like the many, many people supporting him since the 80s. The dedication his band, Travis Smith and our team invested in completing “Shadow Work” was astonishing and the entire record carries an eerie atmosphere of Warrel already feeling that this might be his last work. It is heartbreaking that he was right in the end. Rest in peace, friend.”
Jens Prüter, Head of A&R & Stefan Franke, Product Manager // Century Media Records
“He told me he wanted the cover for this one to be a personification of one of its songs, affectionately titled ‘Sweet Madame Satan, and why’. I dug up the skeleton of an old idea we’d talked about once before, and with a few details and alterations of his own, it was exactly what he had envisioned. He “loved it”, approved it, and then gave me an outline for what he wanted to do for the back cover to compliment it as a sort of prologue.
I finished the additional artwork taking inspiration from old conversations, titles, absorbing passages from his notebooks, and some lyrics that he’d passed along earlier. …Thank you for everything these past 20 years… It was an honor. It will be missed. You are missed. I know we did you proud.”Travis Smith
“To give birth to a work like this, is for us a tribute to someone that was like family and honour his memory by sharing some of the savage poetry that he created and was ultimately so proud of.
Warrel came into our lives like a storm, took us into a very intense ride, we roamed endless roads into the unknown, into places that we never dreamed of both inside and outside our minds, and left. He was someone who lived with us, dreamed with us and enjoyed our hospitality, and in return gave us so much back. Some of us acted like his mother, some of us saw him as a father figure, some of us took care of him in some of his darkest moments. Yet, he was a friend, and somehow, will be always there.
To record such an album, and to work alongside an artist as gifted as Warrel, is somehow like being enthralled by his brightest light, and, at the same time being engulfed by his darkest shadow. There is so much to say, and yet nothing to say. In the meantime, we are proud to share this portrait of the storm we went through in form of art. Light, peace and love.”Thiago, Johnny, Fabio and Marcus