Y. J. Malmsteen: concerto problematico in Brasile

Un concerto pieno di tensione quello che si è tenuto a Porto Alegre (Brasile) il 2 ottobre per Malmsteen. A quanto pare durante il concerto Malmsteen ha eseguito un assolo di “Star Spangled Banner” e il pubblico ha reagito con un profondo boato di disapprovazione e ha iniziato a gettare ogni sorta di oggetti sul palco. All’interno una lettera dell’attuale tastierista di Malmsteen, Derek Sherinian.”First of all, I would like to preface this letter by saying that I am not a fan of one using their musical status to promote religious or political beliefs.
I am also not one to post on message boards, but something happened to me on stage last night that I feel compelled to write this letter. I am currently the only American in YNGWIE MALMSTEEN’s touring band. What happened at last night’s gig in Porte Allegre, Brazil was shocking.
Midway through the set, YNGWIE finished his guitar solo spot with the ‘Star Spangled Banner’. The crowd of about 1,500 people started immediately booing very loudly, and throwing sh.t on stage. To see the Anti-American rallies on CNN is bad enough, but to be in the middle of one is scary beyond words. So after YNGWIE’s solo we had about 5 more songs to play. All of my spirit was gone. I finished the set disgusted, and without looking at the crowd for the rest of the show.
After the final song, the band went to the dressing room. I told YNGWIE, ‘I refuse to go out for the encore under any circumstances, F.CK THESE PEOPLE.’
YNGWIE went back on stage by himself and played the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ again to a choir of loud boos. He then said on the microphone, ‘God Bless America, and F.CK YOU ALL’ and walked off stage.
The crowd went into a riot and started throwing sh.t on stage. We immediately were rushed back to our hotel. I have no idea of the status of our gear.
I want to thank YNGWIE for taking my back, and for standing up for the USA. To the people in Porte Allegre, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I don’t give a fuck if I ever play your peasant infested third world city again. God bless America, Derek Sherinian.”