Yoth Iria interview (Jim Mutilator)

We continue with our short series of interviews aimed at glorifying the mythological Hellenic black metal scene. All in collaboration with our own Marco Donè, a true hierophant of such scene! After Varathron, it’s Yoth Iria’s turn, therefore a relatively new project led by a true legend: Jim Mutilator, founding member of Rotting Christ (name also invented by him), bassist of Varatrhon themselves and now leader of this incredible line-up that continues what has been started decades ago along with the technique, freshness and experience of a top-level veteran. And we are talking, as you will see below, about who was defined as “the king of Greece” by a certain Varg Vikernes! We had a short but intense chat with this mythological figure, so happy reading!
(MARCO) In 2023 you released an EP plus a live album. Why the choice to record a live album?
We had a mini tour in Mexico during October 2023. Our show in Mexico city was recorded and it was sounding really good so the promoters asked if we were interested to have a special live album. So we said why not.
(MICKEY) Can you describe to us Yoth Iria as an entity, when did it first appeared in your life?
Yoth Iria has appeared in me back in early 90ies. As you remember first appeared in Rotting Christ’ s album Thy Mighty Contract in the track The 4th knight of revelation. Yoth Iria a demon of the new millennium gains the honor he deserves.
(MICKEY) Is there something you can disclose, in studio recording terms, about the future of Yoth Iria?
Our new album is already recorded for a release between May, September 2024 but I can’t unveil more details except it will include 11 tracks.
(MICKEY) Can you describe the emotional experience of a Yoth Iria gig?
Actually We are a live band and really enjoy playing live as it’s very important come in touch with fans and friends. In fact this is the special world of our music, dedication to our fans, unity and brotherhood. Every show for us is a mystical meeting with our brothers all over the world.
(MARCO) Some fans decribe your lyrics as “romantic satanism”. Do you agree with such a view? Which are the main themes in your lyrics?
Hmm I don’t think they are romantic Satanism but yeahhh everyone can has his own conclusions. I consider myself more near to Luciferianism but I have same big respect for Satan, Devil and of course the whole demonic world. Christians and similar religions of world’s oppressors have changed the reality doing white as black. The people worship Jesus, Mary and saints who believed as good spirits but look how shit is their world we lived in. So we want to spread the meaning join the demons as they are the true friends of simple man. They don’t want your blood, your misery and your daily sacrifice just your happiness and your healthy mentality, exactly the opposite of the tyranny of evil Jesus and all the tragic followers of him.
(MICKEY) Which are your best memories of the greek extreme musical scene of the ’80s and the ’90s?
We started a war. Black metal was a revolutionary movement except music that was scary and offensive for the society of 80ies, early 90ies. Look if you say fuck politicians, etc. you are cooler every one can agree with you. If you say fuck your Christ and what you believe is a lie of thousands years so that is what makes the people getting mad but for sure some may take a deeper investigation and send to the garbage all these shits. I’m happy to be a warrior from the beginning of this movement.
(MARCO) Rotting Christ, Varathron, Yoth Iria: you have been a pivotal figure for each of these bands. Which is the one you feel fire-branded on your skin?
Every band has a strong effect into me and it’s a part of my life that has leave a strong stigma into me. Really can’t choose about it but nowadays my band is Yoth Iria and I have to focus on it.
(MARCO) A while ago there were some rumors about a Rotting Christ reunion with you on bass. Do you think there might be this possibility in the future?
Actually it’s the first time I heard about it. No we never had talked about this and there’s no reason about a reunion. Rotting Christ have a strong line-up and there’s no need an old man to replace a fresh blood.
(MARCO) Did you read Sakis Tolis’ biography and, if so, how did you find it?
Yes of course I ve read it. Sakis is a very important musician in the black metal world and it was necessary get out some stories and ideas very useful for the continuation of our music and our culture. I know him from the day we born and I consider that he is one of the most important figures in black metal world in the same level as Euronymous, Dead, Jon, Fenriz, etc. so I recommend everyone that still hasn’t read the book let’s do it now. Its just a great book.
(MICKEY) Have you got any memories – both musical and extramusical – related to Italy?
I have toured back in 90ies Italy with Rotting Christ during our triarchy of the lost lovers tour and I have just unforgettable memories. Great shows great audience. Of course I have to admit I received big support from Italian people towards my Yoth Iria band and I really like to send my love and respect to all Italian brothers and sisters.
(MICKEY) One final message and greeting to your italian fans?
I love you all. Metal Magic Freedom!
Supportat Yoth Iria and only buy original music: www.yothiria.com